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NBC News has collaborated with SurveyMonkey for almost 10 years. Their extensive reach allows us to include a broad range of respondents in our surveys, comprised of hard-to-reach subpopulations that are critical to include to get it right.
Dr. John Lapinski
Director of Elections
NBC News
At The 19th News, we’re committed to journalism that’s grounded in reliable and representative data. Our partnership with SurveyMonkey allows us to capture real-time reactions and insights into how people feel about the issues that drive our politics as news happens. SurveyMonkey empowers us as a news organization and deepens our understanding of American politics, social and economic issues, and the experiences of historically under-represented communities we serve, including women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ individuals.
Terri Rupar
Politics Editor
The 19th News
Inflation could be the big voting issue for small business owners.
What do Americans think about the Harris campaign and its chances?
Partisanship has shifted, especially among different generations.
How are the experiences of Americans of color changing?