Measure and improve customer loyalty and satisfaction with this easy-to-use NPS template.
Using a Net Promoter Score® (NPS) Template simplifies the survey creation process, so you can easily capture the essential information needed to measure customer loyalty. Our templates are expertly designed to save you time and provide a professional structure.
Our Net Promoter Score Survey Template is designed to make it easy to understand your customers' satisfaction and loyalty.
An NPS survey typically starts with the “likelihood to recommend” question. Our template also includes additional questions to gather demographic information, such as age and income, allowing you to segment the feedback for deeper analysis. The template is customizable, so you can tailor it to your needs.
NPS questions can be relational or transactional. Both types of NPS questions are essential for gaining a comprehensive understanding of customer loyalty and identifying areas for improvement.
Relational NPS measures overall customer loyalty over a period of time through regular surveys, asking survey respondents to rate their likelihood to recommend your brand, along with additional questions to understand their relationship and experience with the brand. This type of NPS question is useful for tracking customer loyalty trends and informing long-term strategic decisions.
Transactional NPS, on the other hand, measures customer loyalty and satisfaction following a specific interaction or transaction. Transactional NPS focuses on immediate feedback from recent purchases or service experiences.
Tweezerman leverages NPS to gain insights and drive improvements in its products and services. Learn more about their approach.
Greyhound collects customer feedback to enhance their services and improve NPS, ultimately driving business value. Discover their story here.
Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.
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Automatic results summaries, filters, custom dashboards, crosstab reports, text analysis, & more.
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