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NBC News

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: Election Day 2020

NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll: Election Day 2020

Nearly six in 10 registered voters (59%) have already voted as of November 1, with a majority (54%) of those early voters saying they voted by mail. Among those who still plan to vote before the polls close on November 3, 74% of Republicans and GOP leaners say they plan to do so in person on Election Day itself, compared with just 54% of Democrats and Democratic leaners and 50% of independents. 

President Trump’s overall approval rating remains steadily underwater, with 45% approving of the job he’s done as president and 53% disapproving, showing no movement at all over the course of NBC and SurveyMonkey’s tracking this summer. Similarly, 44% of people nationwide approve of the job Trump has done managing the federal government’s response to the coronavirus, while 54% disapprove. Those numbers are also consistent with our tracking since June. 

A majority of the country sees the coronavirus outbreak as more of a health crisis than an economic crisis, both for the U.S. as a whole (56% to 42%) and for themselves personally (56% to 42%). A majority, too, continue to be more concerned that businesses are reopening too quickly rather than too slowly (53% to 43%).

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