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Survey email templates allow businesses to rapidly solicit information from its target audience without hassle. Instead of crafting your own email, you can use these survey email templates to quickly send out a precise, detailed, and customer-friendly email.

After a little customization, you can create a highly personalized survey email for your customers. We’ll cover 20 survey email templates, giving you something to use for every situation.

Customer feedback surveys track key customer experience metrics, providing you essential insights required to design an outstanding customer experience.

A Customer Satisfaction Score survey is designed to measure overall customer satisfaction levels. This survey enables you to gain critical insights into how customers perceive your brand, as well as the products and services you provide.

Subject: How was your experience with us? Share your opinion!

Dear [Name],

At [Company name], we strive to improve your customer experience, and your input is invaluable to us!

We would love to know if we're meeting your expectations. Your feedback will help us identify areas where we can make things even easier for you in the future. 

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete. Click here to take the survey.

Thank you for your time and feedback! We greatly appreciate your insight.

Kindest regards,

[Your name]
[Your company name]

A Customer Effort Score survey helps customer experience teams better understand each customer touchpoint across a customer’s journey with a business. Use this survey to identify areas of friction and find ways of streamlining them.

Subject: How did we do? Let us know!

Dear [Name],

We hope your experience [touchpoint, e.g. interacting with our customer support] has been smooth. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on how things went and any suggestions for making interactions with our business even easier.

Your feedback allows us to identify areas of friction and enhance your overall experience. The survey takes just a minute to complete: [Survey link]. Thank you for your time and input.

[Your name]
[Your company name]

A customer experience survey enables businesses to understand their customers' needs and assess if they are meeting expectations. By regularly conducting these surveys, you can continuously improve performance over time.

Subject: Help us improve. Share your experience!

Dear [Name],

At [Company name], we are dedicated to delivering the best possible experience. Your insight is invaluable to us. If you have a moment, please provide your feedback [Survey link]. It’s a short survey, and your responses will help us enhance your future experience.

Thank you for your feedback, and the time you’re taking to help our business improve.

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

A customer service feedback survey aims to quantify the effectiveness of your customer service teams. This survey will help you monitor and improve your customer service experience over time.

Subject: Your voice matters: How did we do?

Dear [Name],

You recently interacted with our customer service team. We hope we were able to solve your problem quickly and effectively. Could we improve? If so, please don’t hesitate to leave feedback.

[Survey link]

Your insight allows us to improve how we interact with customers. We endeavor to act upon all customer feedback, meaning your comments will help shape our business for the better.

The survey will only take a few minutes and will help us improve our support services.

Warm regards,

[Your name]
[Your company name]

A post-event feedback survey will help your business understand how effective your event was and if customers were happy with their experience. Use these surveys to improve your events over time.

Subject: How was your experience? Post-event feedback survey.

Dear [Name],

First of all, we hope you enjoyed your time at [Event]! At [Company], we strive to make our events as interesting and engaging as possible.

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Our survey will allow you to give feedback on the event and let us know how we did.

[Survey link]

Your feedback helps us to improve future events and make sure everything runs smoothly. We appreciate your time.

Thank you in advance,

[Your name]

The Net Promoter Score survey aims to quantify customer loyalty to your business. This simple but effective survey will help you monitor customer experience and improve it over time.

Subject: Would you recommend us? Share your feedback

Dear [Name],

At [Company name], we strive to exceed your expectations. We want to make every interaction with our business positive. If you have a spare moment, we’d love to hear what you think.

Please share your feedback using our survey to give us an idea of how we’re doing and where we could improve. It’ll only take a few minutes.

[Survey link]

Your input will help shape our company! Please help us by sharing your feedback through our Net Promoter Score (NPS®) survey.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

woman working on tablet

Product feedback surveys help your business create and launch the right products at the right time. Understand your target market, collect vital feedback for product iteration, and take the guesswork out of product development with these surveys.

A concept testing survey aims to better understand how a new product, service, or idea will be received by your customers. Make data-driven decisions to ensure your concepts have an even greater impact.

Subject: Share our future products! Give product feedback.

Dear [Name],

Nothing makes us more confident in our products than knowing that you love them. That’s why we’d love to run something by you. We have a new concept to share. With your feedback, we can refine our idea into a product that meets all your needs and expectations.

If you could spare a moment, we would greatly appreciate your opinions and preferences shared through our survey.

[Survey link]

Thank you for your valuable insight!

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

A competitor research survey allows your business to better understand your competitors and where you are in the general market landscape. Survey for competitor research to pinpoint your USP and inform your future business strategy.

Subject: How do we stack up? Share your insights!

Dear [Name],

The competition is heating up! We always want to stay one step ahead of our competitors by delivering a winning customer experience to you. And, with your help, we’ll be able to deliver a service that our customers love.

We’re running a competitor research survey. If you’d like to share your ideas, feedback, or insight, then please use the following link [Survey link]. We promise it’ll only take a few minutes of your time.

Your input is valuable to us.

Thank you,

[Your name]
[Your company name]

An idea screening survey presents customers with an idea your company has for a new product or service. Gather feedback on these initial idea plans to better hone your product before launching.

Subject: What do you think? Share your thoughts.

Dear [Name],

We’re collecting feedback on a recent idea that we’ve had at [Company name].

We’d love your input to make this idea as useful as possible for customers like you. If you have a spare moment, please take our survey.

[Survey link]

We appreciate any time you can give us to make our idea as brilliant as can be. Thanks ahead of time.

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

A product testing survey aims to reach your target market ahead of time to determine whether or not your product will be successful. These surveys help assess how appealing or desired your new product is ahead of launch day.

Subject: Be the first to try our new product!

Dear [Name],

Psst. We’ve got a secret. [Company] is about to launch a new product. But we’re not quite there yet. If you have a moment, we’d love to hear what you think about our newest launch.

Please complete our survey to let us know what you think. Your feedback will help shape our launch for the better!

[Survey link]

Thank you for your valuable time and insights,

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

A new product survey will help your business identify ways you can improve your products or enhance the messaging you’re using to market one. Get robust feedback on a product’s design, description, and features with this effective survey.

Subject: Tell us what you think of our new product!

Dear [Name],

Have you heard the good news? [Company name] has recently launched [Product]! If you’ve already used our newest release, we’d love to know what you think.

Your insight will help us develop our product into the best form it can be. Your feedback is essential to us and drives us toward creating better products in the future.

By using the link [Survey link] and two minutes of your time, you can share your opinions, preferences, and insights.

Thank you for your time!

[Your name]

Enhancing the employee experience is one of the most effective ways of improving your profits and retaining employees for longer. With employee experience surveys, you can collect vital feedback to streamline your employee experience management and create a better workplace for all.

A candidate experience survey will help your business better understand your hiring process. Over time, feedback from candidates can shape your interviews and onboarding for the better.

Subject: Help us improve: Candidate experience survey

Dear [Name],

Thank you for your interest in [Company name]. We’d love to hear more about your experience during our interview process. To help us improve, you can leave us feedback using the [Survey link].

Your valuable insight will help our HR teams improve their work and give every candidate a better experience. With your feedback, we can create a winning candidate experience that helps people like you shine.

Thank you for your participation,

[Company name]

An employee benefits survey determines whether your employees feel satisfied with their benefits package. These surveys also point toward areas where you could improve your employee value proposition.

Subject: Your experience matters: Employee benefits feedback

Dear [Name],

We can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate the work you do at [Company name]. But, we’d like to try and show you.

We’re aiming to improve our employee benefits over the coming months. With your insight in our [Survey link], you can share your opinion on what you’d like to see changed.

A few of your valuable minutes will help us create a better employee benefits package and deliver you and your coworkers with even better compensation.

Thank you ahead of time! we can’t wait to hear what you think.

[Your name]
[Your position]
[Your company name]

An employee engagement survey assesses whether your employees are engaged and enthused at work. These can help determine rates of employee satisfaction and improve your employee experience over time.

Subject: Help us improve your experience: Employee feedback survey.

Dear [Name],

At [Company name], we believe that happy employees are the foundation of all our success. That's why we're asking for your feedback on your experience and how we can create a more engaging and fulfilling work environment.

Your honest feedback will help us identify areas where we can improve and ensure that you feel valued and motivated. While we know that you may not feel 100% every day, we’re actively looking for ways we can help you feel more connected to your work.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete. Here’s a link for quick access: [Survey link].

Thank you for your time and valuable input,

[Your name]
[Your position]

An employee Net Promoter Score survey assesses employee loyalty to your business. It is a survey that can reflect overall employee satisfaction at work.

Subject: Would you recommend us to a friend? Share your thoughts.

Dear [Name],

This year, we set out to become the very best workplace we could be. And, alongside your help, we’re on track.

To keep up with our recent improvements, we’d love to hear your feedback. Please share your thoughts on our company with [Survey link].

A few minutes of your time could make a significant impact on the experience we offer to our employees.

Thank you so much, and have a lovely day,

[Your name]

A training and onboarding survey monitors how your new hires are feeling and assesses their initial training or onboarding. They are vital to improve your training processes and make sure all your employees feel comfortable from day one.

Subject: How was your training? Let us know.

Dear [Name],

Feeling confident in your role after your recent training? We hope so! If you’d like to share any feedback on our training program, we’re all ears.

To make every learning experience at [Company name] as effective as possible, we’d appreciate it if you responded to our survey.

[Survey link]

The survey will take a couple of minutes, at most, to finish. Your insight is invaluable to us.

Thank you ahead of time, and congratulations on finishing your training!

[Your name]
[Your position]

woman working on laptop

Market research surveys empower your business with the data you need to better service your audience. Understand who makes up your audience and what they’re looking for with these impactful surveys.

A brand health tracking survey assesses the current position of your brand in the market and garners feedback on your current public perception. These surveys help to understand market sentiment in real time.

Subject: How are we doing? Share your insight.

Dear [Name],

At [Company name], we're constantly striving to improve our brand and ensure that we're meeting the needs and expectations of our customers. Our best way of understanding what to improve on is by directly asking customers like you!

We'd appreciate your feedback on your perception of our brand. Your insights will help us track our progress and identify areas where we can improve.

If you have a second, we’ll only take a few minutes of your time. Click here to access our survey.

[Survey link]

Thank you for your time and valuable feedback! We appreciate your help.

[Your name]

A competitive differentiation survey helps understand the customer decision-making process and identify why they choose your company above others. Use these surveys to gain insight into customer sentiment toward your brand and competitors.

Subject: Help us stand out: Provide your feedback

Dear [Name],

We’re curious to know how you see us compared to our competitors. As our valued customer, we appreciate your insight into how we stack up and stand out.

If you have a spare moment, completing our survey will help us collect your thoughts. With your feedback, we’ll strive to become better than ever.

[Survey link]

Thank you ahead of time for all of your input and invaluable insight,

[Company name]

A market research survey gathers feedback on the market, your products, your services, and how they all intersect. You’ll hear from your ideal customers and better understand what they’re looking for.

Subject: What are you looking for? Let’s hear your voice.

Dear [Name],

We strive to provide a better experience for our customers. Now, we need your help.[Company name] is looking to better understand the market we work in. If you have two minutes, we’d love to hear your opinion and collect your useful insight.

You can access our survey and leave feedback in an instant.

[Survey link]

Thank you for your participation in our market research survey! We appreciate your help.

[Your name]

A brand perception survey seeks to understand consumers' opinions about your brand and their willingness to purchase your products or engage with your services. This survey is crucial for gathering market insights across various consumer segments.

Subject: Help us shape [Company] for the better

Dear [Name],

No one knows our company better than our customers. We're eager to hear directly from you to gain a deeper understanding of how you perceive our brand.

Would you mind sparing a few moments to share your thoughts through our survey [Survey link]? Your feedback will provide valuable insights that will guide us in enhancing your experience and that of all our customers.

Our survey will only take a few moments to complete. We appreciate your insight!

Best regards,

[Your name]

Sending out an email survey is one thing. Sending out an email survey with a high response rate is another.

Your survey email should have the following elements: 

  • Greeting: This can be simple, like “Dear [Name],” or more informal if that matches your company tone.
  • Subject line: Capture your reader’s attention right off the bat.
  • Explanation: Detail why you’re sending out the email, focusing on highlighting how useful a customer is in responding to you.
  • Survey link: Include a clickable link to your survey to entice users to interact.
  • Call to action: If you include button elements in your email, then a clear CTA like “Take the survey” can help enhance response rates.
  • Gratitude: Thank your customer and highlight how their response is important to you.
  • Sign off: Finish off with a quick comment signing off.

Creating a responsive email survey will ensure that you gather as many responses as possible. The more data you bring in, the more precise your data-driven insights will be from your surveying.

Creating and sending out effective survey emails goes beyond just hitting send. The best emails have a system that backs them up, with iteration and small positive improvements helping create better campaigns.

Here are the best practices for creating a winning survey email:

  • Automation: Where possible, automate the process of sending out emails. This approach saves your business time while allowing you to scale your email marketing. 
  • Input MailChimp integration: Use MailChimp or another email marketing platform to accelerate automation and gain full visibility into email response metrics.
  • Optimize for mobile: Consumers will open the vast majority of your survey emails on mobile. Be sure to optimize both your email and survey template for mobile.
  • Personalize: Personalization is a winning customer experience strategy that will help enhance interaction and boost survey response rates.
  • A/B testing: Don’t just send out an email and be done with it. Carefully analyze your data, make small iterative improvements, and A/B test components to see what your customers respond to best.

By incorporating these strategies into your email marketing campaigns, your business will be able to improve completion rates and drive the success of survey emails.

Be careful not to engage with any common survey email mistakes when sending out your surveys. Even just one of these mistakes could reduce your response rate to zero.

Here are four common survey email mistakes that could reduce your response rates:

  1. Overloading with information: No one wants to slog through a long email. Keep your message short and sweet to ensure high interaction rates.
  2. Vague or misleading subject lines: Ensure your subject line is concise, engaging, and relevant to the survey being sent.
  3. Complicated survey links: If customers can’t readily locate your survey within an email, it’s time to revise the email. Clearly label the survey link to maximize response rates.
  4. Lack of follow up: When you ask for customer feedback, follow up with your action plan to demonstrate that you value their insight and customer experience. Giving them thanks can go a long way to inspire them to respond to more surveys in the future.

While recent data suggests that the best time to send emails, based on open rates, is 4 a.m., this might not be true for your business. To identify when the best time to send out emails is for you, conduct testing on your audience.

Trial different times of day and closely monitor your open, click-through, and engagement rates. Every audience is different, meaning the best time for your customers will vary.

If you’re collecting data for a limited amount of time, then survey reminder emails can help increase survey response rates before the deadline.

In a survey reminder email, you should follow all the best practices for writing an email, including an attention-grabbing subject line and clear call to action. Additionally, provide a direct explanation of why a response is needed.

Here’s an example:

Dear [Name],

A few days ago, we reached out to gather feedback through our [survey]. As responses have been coming back, we noticed yours is still outstanding. At [Company], we value your opinion and would love to hear what you think.

Before [Date], which marks the survey's closure, we kindly ask for a moment of your time to complete it. You can access the survey through this link: [Survey link].

Should you have any inquiries or require assistance, we're here to help.

Warm regards,


By leveraging well-crafted templates, you can enhance response rates, gain meaningful insights, and foster stronger connections with your customers. Use these email templates, as well as SurveyMonkey survey templates, as a foundation, and customize them to align with your brand’s voice and your audience’s preferences. With thoughtful implementation, your survey emails will become a powerful asset in your customer engagement strategy. 

Net Promoter, Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.

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