With one simple question, you can better understand how happy your customers are with your products and services. That’s what the Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is all about, it’s a way for businesses to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction.
What’s your Net Promoter Score? To find out, just enter the number of times you received each score into the following blank spaces:
Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld and Satmetrix Systems, Inc
Use our NPS survey template and we’ll automatically calculate your score. See how you compare to other businesses using our global benchmarks.
Your score comes from the Net Promoter Score question, which typically takes the following form:
“How likely would you be to recommend (name of organization, service, or product) to a friend or colleague?”
The question prompt should be followed with a rating scale asking the respondent to select a number from 0 (least likely to recommend) to 10 (most likely to recommend).
Depending on the number each customer selects, we’d group them into one of three groups:
The NPS is the world’s leading metric for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction.
Here are three main benefits of using NPS:
This is only a fraction of the benefits of using the score. To learn more, read our guide on using NPS surveys to create the best customer experience.
Sending out your NPS survey online lets you rapidly get responses and calculate your NPS score. Let’s say you’ve received 100 responses from your customers. We’ll turn this figure into an NPS percentage. You can compare this NPS to other companies, your industry benchmark, or the previous NPS figure you’ve generated.
The NPS system will provide a percentage based on the proportion of respondents that fall into the detractors, promoters, and passives categories. To calculate the percentage, follow these steps:
Your NPS score will be between -100 and 100. Once you have your NPS results, you can set targets to improve.
Related: 10 tips to build stellar NPS surveys
Once all your responses come back, you can get your score using the following Net Promoter Score calculation:
To help you understand this formula, let’s walk through a brief example. Say you’ve collected 150 responses to your NPS question. The distribution of the scores looks like this: