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Convenience and purchase behaviors: SurveyMonkey Market Research Solutions

Convenience and purchase behaviors: SurveyMonkey Market Research Solutions

Who prioritizes convenience?

In the tradeoff between convenience and choice, choice gets a slight edge: 54% of all adults say they’re willing to go out of their way to get exactly what they want. But some subgroups do prioritize convenience:

  • Women are more than 1.5x as likely as men to prefer convenience when making purchases (55% women, 33% men) 
  • Preference for convenience decreases with age: 57% of 18-34 year-olds, 42% of 35-64 year-olds, and 38% of those 65 and up say “convenience matters most”
  • Similar decreases in preferences for convenience with increased income, 56% of households earning $50k or less and 36% for $100k and above favor convenience. 

Getting back out there: many Americans want to do their own grocery shopping and to dine in at restaurants.

After over a year of restrictions due to covid, far more consumers would prefer to shop for their own groceries, and majorities of restaurant-goers want to dine in-person.

  • 86% want to buy groceries in the store themselves (just 7% want to order and pick up, and another 7% want to order groceries delivered)
    • Nearly nine in 10 (88%) of households earning $50k or less want to select their own items, 82% of $100k+ want to as well. 
    • 90% of men want to go to the store as well as 82% of women.
  • 54% want to dine in-person at restaurants
    • 64% of men want to dine in-person, just 46% of women feel the same. 
    • 52% of people who order takeout often (everyday/several days a week) want to dine in-person at restaurants

Even 74% of Americans would opt to interact with a server over ordering for themselves using a self-serve QR code. 

  • More than eight in 10 age 35+ would prefer to interact with a server
  • The 18-34 year-olds are more split; 54% prefer a server, 46% a QR code

Read more about our polling methodology here
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