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Survey Platform

SurveyMonkey’s own Customer Satisfaction Survey as an example

SurveyMonkey’s own Customer Satisfaction Survey as an example

As part of our effort this month to share survey examples to show the variety of ways customers use SurveyMonkey to gather feedback and insights, we thought we’d share something near and dear to us: our own Customer Satisfaction Survey (fondly know by our team as our CSAT).

Developed by Dr. Phil Garland, our VP of Methodology, and launched on our site by Phill Ludwig, our Principal User Interface designer, we are using this survey to measure on-going customer satisfaction with our website.  Through this survey, we are able to:

  • See how customer satisfaction with our website changes over time
  • Pinpoint specific site changes that positively or negatively impact customer satisfaction
  • See which factors have the greatest impact on overall customer satisfaction, and
  • Focus our efforts on improving key areas of our site

How are we collecting responses? We show this survey to a portion of customers after they sign out of our site for two main reasons: 1) to avoid disrupting their activities during their use of our site, and 2) to capture website feedback while it’s fresh in their minds.

A few things to note: We’ve made a few small adaptations above to make it easier for you to click around and check it out–we edited the survey so none of the questions require a response (vs. requiring responses in our actual survey) and we split the survey into 5 pages (vs. one in our actual survey).  As with all of our example surveys, feel free to click around, check out the survey, and use it to help shape how you measure customer satisfaction for your own business, product or service.

And however you decide to listen to your customers, keep in mind that organizations measuring satisfaction are much more likely to be successful, no matter which customer touchpoints they look at.