
SurveyMonkey is built to handle every use case and need. Explore our product to learn how SurveyMonkey can work for you.

Get data-driven insights from a global leader in online surveys.

Integrate with 100+ apps and plug-ins to get more done.

Build and customize online forms to collect info and payments.

Create better surveys and spot insights quickly with built-in AI.

Purpose-built solutions for all of your market research needs.


Measure customer satisfaction and loyalty for your business.

Learn what makes customers happy and turn them into advocates.

Get actionable insights to improve the user experience.

Collect contact information from prospects, invitees, and more.

Easily collect and track RSVPs for your next event.

Find out what attendees want so that you can improve your next event.

Uncover insights to boost engagement and drive better results.

Get feedback from your attendees so you can run better meetings.

Use peer feedback to help improve employee performance.

Create better courses and improve teaching methods.

Learn how students rate the course material and its presentation.

Find out what your customers think about your new product ideas.


Best practices for using surveys and survey data

Our blog about surveys, tips for business, and more.

Tutorials and how to guides for using SurveyMonkey.

How top brands drive growth with SurveyMonkey.

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See your survey data in context

Use benchmarks to compare your results against industry averages

Benchmark icon

When you use benchmarks, you’re measuring one set of data against another. And in the case of SurveyMonkey Benchmarks, you’re comparing the survey results you collect from employees, customers, event attendees, or students with survey results from other SurveyMonkey customers–or against similar organizations in your industry, region, or company size. That way, you get the context you need to:

  • Assess your performance accurately
  • Compare yourself to industry leaders
  • Set realistic goals
  • Make targeted improvements

Why? Think about the last time you sent a survey and looked at the results. If you ask your customers, “How satisfied are you with our customer service?” and 74% say “Extremely Satisfied,” how do you know whether that’s good or bad?

You could compare that percentage against your past survey results to see if you’re improving. But if you knew that if 91% of your competitor’s customers say they’re “Extremely Satisfied,” you’d start to make some major changes to catch up.

Use certain SurveyMonkey survey templates to benchmark the data that are vital to your organization’s growth, from customer satisfaction to employee engagement.

Check out our full list of benchmarkable survey templates, and see how our benchmarks work, here.

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Until now, benchmarking data was prohibitively expensive or simply wasn’t available. Traditional market research methods, along with purchasing competitive data, are time-consuming and costly. But a one-year subscription to SurveyMonkey Benchmarks costs a fraction of most of the data sold by other companies.

Our straightforward pricing is based on the types of surveys you create. And the customized reports you can create using our Analyze tool help you pinpoint where you’re under (and over) performing.

Toolkits directory

Discover our toolkits, designed to help you leverage feedback in your role or industry.

Web form best practices that drive conversions (+templates)

Learn how to create better web forms that enhance the user experience and drive conversions with this article from SurveyMonkey.

Create a survey in three ways

Best practice guide to create surveys with AI, templates, or by scratch.

20 survey email templates to improve response rates

Need a winning customer survey email? Discover effective survey email templates to engage your audience, boost response rates, and gain valuable insights.