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Kickstart a customer experience program that pays off

Kickstart a customer experience program that pays off

Let’s face it, times have changed. Customers can interact with your business, and broadcast their opinions on multiple channels in an instant. Therefore, having a great customer experience management (CXM) program, which allows you to effectively listen and respond to your customers, is essential. And while we know tracking and responding to customer issues across multiple touch points may seem daunting, a solid CXM program can do more than just prevent unhappy customers from complaining online—it can absolutely delight them.

Our guide, 6 easy steps to kickstart a killer CXM program, brought to you by SurveyMonkey CX will help you get started. It features:

  • Tips for identifying and mapping your customer touchpoints
  • Survey design tips that help you hear from more customers
  • Best practices for customer listening and real-life examples
  • Ways to practice a long-term CXM program that drives growth
  • and more…

Download the eGuide → 6 easy steps to kickstart a killer CXM program

We surveyed consumers to learn more about the relationship between a company’s reputation for delivering a great customer experience and their willingness to make purchases. It turns out a whopping 72% of customers say they’re “very” or “extremely” likely to shop with a company or particular location because of their reputation for outstanding customer service.

Also, according to the Harvard Business Review, companies who’ve adopted a CXM strategy report having happier customers, reduced churn, and an increase in revenue. The same research revealed that just the act of asking customers for their feedback makes them happier—and can increase their likelihood of shopping with a brand again.

Once you have a CXM program in place, you’ll be able to monitor your progress both internally and externally, hold employees accountable, stop problems before they get out of hand, get ahead of industry trends, and with the right CXM platform you can monitor your brand’s industry reputation in real time.

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