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Fall/Winter 2024
Share Your Thoughts

Question Title

* 1. Do you have ideas or suggestions you'd like the team to consider as the General Plan Amendment is developed?

In particular, we are looking for your input on topics such as:
  • Improvements between Metro A Line (Blue) Station and the Park (e.g., shade structures, seating)
  • Mobility Hub (e.g., first/last mile multi-modal options, such as a bike share program)
  • Park Amenities (e.g., concessions, restrooms)
  • Park Infrastructure and enhancements (for example, trash receptacles, lighting, signage, etc.)
  • Chinatown/State Park Station Design Inspired by Adjacent Neighborhood Culture and History
  • Station Artwork (including utilization of local artists)
  • Access (for example, park hours, disabled access)
  • Interpretation and Education Opportunities that would Enhance the Diverse Visitor Community’s Understanding and Appreciation of the Culture and History of the Park and Adjacent Neighborhoods
  • Hardscape and Landscape Improvements at the Park Entrance (for example, integration of historic pavers and tree and other landscape plantings)
  • LASHP pedestrian and bicycle bridge
  • Additional opportunities for Park access
  • Programming and coordination with Special Events
  • Construction impacts

Question Title

* 2. Are there other topics you'd like the team to consider as the General Plan Amendment is developed?