This survey can accessed by visiting:

The deadline to complete is February 10, 2025

If completing this survey hard copy, the survey must be received by school board office no later than February 10, 2025.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following categories best represents you as a respondent? Please check only one.

Question Title

* 2. Education and Training- Check qualifications that you think are necessary for a superintendent

  Required Preferred Not Important
An earned doctorate
Experience as a Superintendent
Experience as an Associate/Assistant Superintendent
Experience as a Central Office Administrator
Experience as a Principal
Experience as a CEO other than school district
High School Level Teaching Experience
Middle School Level Teaching Experience
Elementary Level Teaching Experience
Work experience in Virginia
Residency in the school division

Question Title

* 3. Leadership/Management Skills- Rank your top three priorities for a superintendent

  1 2 3
Writing and speaking ability
Decisive leader
Risk taker
High community profile
Visionary, creative thinker
Organized, efficient
Analytical, relies on data
Facilitates consensus among groups
Team player, comfortable with shared decision-making

Question Title

* 4. Personal Characteristics- Rank your three most desired traits for a new superintendent.

  1 2 3
Sense of humor
Good listener, accessible
Works “behind the scenes”

Question Title

* 5. Board-Superintendent Relations- Rank your top three priorities.

  1 2 3
Understands differences between policy and administration and acts accordingly
Can lead the Board in goal-setting and planning
Effectively mediates and accommodates different perspectives
Willing to assume a lead role in decision-making while keeping Board informed
Provides options and recommendations to Board before accepting Board directives
Presents a “united front” to staff and community

Question Title

* 6. Staff Relations- Rank your top three priorities.

  1 2 3
Has a process for recruiting and selection of top-quality staff members
Maintains open channels of communication to and from staff
Knows the law concerning personnel policies and procedures
Sets a good example for staff members
Evaluates staff fairly and effectively
Creates an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect
Effectively delegates tasks and responsibilities
Supports staff development activities and encourages professional growth

Question Title

* 7. Community Relations- Rank your top three priorities.

  1 2 3
Relates well to a variety of community groups
Effectively advocates school issues and needs
Responds to individual concerns in appropriate manner
Successfully handles press coverage
Communicates effectively on both private and public levels
Promotes business and community involvement in schools
Inspires community confidence
Maintains visibility in the community 

Question Title

* 8. School Finance- Rank your top three priorities.

  1 2 3
Develops and explains rationale for budget to the Board and local officials
Closely supervises budget development and procedures
Forecasts changes in enrollment and/or revenue
Offers creative funding solutions
Identifies programs for increased funding and/or budget cuts
Lobbies for school funding on behalf of the school division

Question Title

* 9. Areas of Expertise- Rank the top three areas of expertise that you prefer in a new superintendent.

  1 2 3
Budget and Finance
Curriculum and instruction
School facility planning and construction
Increasing/declining enrollment
Strategic planning and continuous improvement 
Special education
Multi-cultural programs
Staff development and evaluation
Community/media relations
Support services
Business partnerships

Question Title

* 10. What is the one talent or skill that the new superintendent should have to do this job well?

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, what should be a key priority for the new superintendent moving forward?