Room with people at tables at career fair
October 23rd, 2024 | 4-7pm

South Seattle College – Georgetown Campus
6737 Corson Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108

You are invited to share workforce training and employment opportunities related to the built environment – public infrastructure, building trades, solar energy, and other green building careers! This event is free and open to the public, including people in all stages of careers and education.

This event builds on a Sustainable Jobs Fair and Symposium hosted at South Seattle College in March 2024 that drew over 400 diverse participants.

We are specifically seeking organizations hiring or opening training opportunities to applicants within the next three to six months.

Exhibitors are invited to host an interactive booth at no cost to share hands-on “day in the life” demonstrations and information about jobs and programs. Exhibitors may also propose a 30-minute information session. If you are interested in hosting an information session, please provide the potential topic in the response form.

There will also be sponsorship opportunities available! If interested, contact Steve Abercrombie,

Sponsored by: King County Wastewater Treatment Division and Sustainable Building and Science Technology BAS at South Seattle College – Georgetown

Question Title

* 1. What is your name?

Question Title

* 2. Title/Job Position

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* 4. What is your telephone number?

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* 5. Company / Organization Name

Question Title

* 6. Company / Organization Address?

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* 7. Will you be either hiring or opening a training program for applicants within the next three to six months?

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* 8. Do you have jobs or training opportunities available to English language learners?

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* 9. How do you want to participate: Our team can work with you in September on developing your interactive participation, if interested.

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* 10. Please describe the concept behind your interactive exhibit / table.

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* 11. Please provide any additional comments or specific requirements for your interactive table application.

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* 12. Which of the following best describes your organization's interest in the event? (Select all that apply)

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* 13. Please provide LinkedIn/Website for promotion

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* 14. Please upload your company logo for inclusion in our program and marketing

PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 15. Please provide a 100 - 250 word overview of your organization and exhibit at the symposium / job fair. This blurb will be used in marketing including social media and our printed brocure.