The Association of Fundraising Professionals Nova Scotia Chapter has asked Crayon Strategies to create this survey to gather sentiment (your perspective) and demographic (your background) information about the AFP NS community. This will help us understand who we are and help us drive toward being a more inclusive association.
Your answers will be collected, analyzed, and stored with Crayon Strategies only. No others will have access to this information. This survey is completely anonymous. Your identifying information and responses to survey questions cannot be traced back to you in anyway. Your privacy matters to us.
The AFP NS wants to ensure everyone is seen and heard. Please encouraging your colleagues to complete this survey.
Use the "Next" and "Back" buttons to navigate the survey. Avoid using the browser's back button. You can pause and return to complete the survey any time before the deadline. After completing all questions, click "Submit" on the final page.
Thank you for sharing your voice.