Dear L&D practioners

Many of us work with providers to purchase training and services that encourage learning and development. But what makes a great customer/provider relationship and how can our providers better contribute value to our L&D offering?

In a separate survey we are asking workplace learning providers how they seek to add value. But you are the customer and your voice is the one that counts.

This brief 6-minute questionnaire aims to surface what you need from your providers to improve the impact of the services and products that you buy from them.

Whilst we appreciate that you might be responsible for all purchasing decisions, in your answers we ask you to focus on the typical services that you buy.

All responses are completely confidential and the anonymised results will be shared publicly via our media partners. We will also share insights in the #LearningChangemakers newsletter on LinkedIn.

Thank you

Laura Overton
L&D analyst, Learning Changemakers

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100% of survey complete.

Question Title

* 1. Typically what services do you regularly buy from your providers?

We know that you might be involved in all of these and more but in these questions we'd like to hone in on your most frequent buyer transactions.

Question Title

* 2. How would you primarily describe your best provider's relationship with you?

Question Title

* 3. Impact and Value Creation. Please rate your agreement with the following statements (1 = Strongly disagree, 5 = Strongly agree)

  1 Strongly disagree 2 Somewhat disagree 3 Neither agree or disagree 4 Somewhat agree 5 Strongly agree
My providers often help me solve problems beyond just selling products/services
I chose providers who can demonstrate that they can make a significant impact on improving the business of my organisation
I work with providers that are a valuable resource for business improvement
I prefer to work with providers who respond to my order on a transactional basis

Question Title

* 4. How often do you engage in the following activities with your providers?

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Not Applicable
I agree project success goals up front with my providers
I ensure agreed success goals include goals linked to my organisation's business outcomes
We collaborate to achieve agreed goals together
We discuss together the long-term business goals of my organisation
They provide me with industry insights or market trend information
They introduce me to other helpful contacts or resources

Question Title

* 5. Which of these activities do you find most useful in your provider relationships?

  Invaluable Useful Somewhat useful Vaguely interesting A waste of time
Agreeing project success goals up front with my providers
Agreeing success goals include goals linked to my organisation's business outcomes
Collaborating to achieve agreed goals together
Discussing together the long-term business goals of my organisation
Providing me with industry insights or market trend information
Introducing me to other helpful contacts or resources

Question Title

* 6. What are your top 3 strategies for building strong provider relationships? (select up to3)

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* 7. How do you typically measure the strength of the relationships with your providers? Select all that apply

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* 8. Co-creating value: What strategies do you use with your providers to create business value for your organisation? Please select those you typically find most useful.

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* 9. What are the biggest challenges you face in shifting from a transactional to a value added partnership approach with your providers?

Question Title

* 10. Finally, can we just capture a little more about your context. How many people work in your L&D team?

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* 11. What sector do you work in?

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* 12. About how many employees work at your organization?

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* 13. Where are you currently based?

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* 14. Finally we are wondering if our gender may influence our approaches - which of the following options most closely aligns with your gender?

Question Title

* 15. Thank you for participating - on the next page you'll see our next steps and where we will share our findings.

If you have any further comments or would like the results emailed to you directly, please share your thoughts and / or email address below or DM me on LinkedIn.

Thank you again for your time
