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Have your voice heard about what's most important to you when choosing the best school for your child. This short 5 minutes survey is for parents of students attending non-public schools in Poland.

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1. What type of non-public school does your child attend?

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2. What grade range is your child in?

Below are some common reasons why parents choose non-public education for their children. On a scale from "very important" to "not important," rank the influence each reason had in your decision to send your child to non-public school.

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3. Motivators

  Very important Important Slightly important Not important
Disappointment with the public system

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4. School environment

  Very important Important Slightly important Not important
Emotional security of my child
Stronger communication between school & parent
Smaller class or group sizes
Safer environment (physical security)
An environment that reflects family values (faith or other)

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5. Academics and learning

  Very important Important Slightly important Not important
Individualized instruction tailored to my child
Higher quality academics
Stronger foreign language learning
Specific curricula or methods (example: IB, Montessori....etc.)
Development of non-academic skills (example: personality, confidence…etc.)
Preparation for acceptance into a good university

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6. Support, extracurriculars, and more

  Very important Important Slightly important Not important
Wider range of extracurriculars & activities
Before- & after-school care (longer school hours)
Support for special learning needs
Greater development opportunities for talented students

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7. Any other reasons for choosing a non-public school you'd like to share with us?