DeNA is scouting for passionate and dedicated Trainers to become Pokémon Masters EX Partner Program members. Fill out the form below and show us what being a true Pokémon master is all about!

Content creators of all varieties are welcome to apply. We also invite general social media influencers and other fan ambassadors to join our Partner Program. We’re excited to review your application and look forward to meeting you soon!

If you’d like more information on the Pokémon Masters EX Partner Program, be sure to check the informative intro and FAQ page found here.

Question Title

First Name

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Last Name

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Country of Residence (must reside in a country in which Pokémon Masters EX is officially available)

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Date of Birth (must be 18 years or older to participate)

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Description of your channel or relevant community activity (max 500 characters)

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Other games/brands/fandoms for which you are an active member or create content for.