What is the Pokémon Masters EX Partner Program?
The Pokémon Masters EX Partner Program is designed to support content creators, influencers, and other community ambassadors who live stream, create art and/or videos, maintain wikis or other fan communities, host podcasts, etc. DeNA offers ways in which creators can share their passion for Pokémon Masters EX while receiving benefits for their role in promoting the game.

Who is this program for?
The short answer is—everyone!

If you’re a positive force in the Pokémon Masters EX community and are passionate enough to create content or discuss it with your followers on social media, we’d be delighted to welcome you to the program! We can’t guarantee that everyone will be selected, but we want to assure you that having a massive audience is not necessarily as important as your enthusiasm and dedication to the game!

How do I apply?
Simple! Follow the link to apply.

What are the requirements to join and remain in the program?
While we don’t have a specific set of requirements, Pokémon Masters EX content should be created on a somewhat regular basis in order to maintain participation in the program. We’re not particularly strict about this, but we do expect some activity each month. It’s up to you whether that’s a tweet commenting on a new sync pair, an in-depth exploration of battle strategies, or some other form of community activity, engagement, or content creation.
The following metrics should act as a guide for the minimum level of viewership we are expecting for video content creators. Terms are flexible, so if you’re not sure your footprint is big enough, we still encourage you to apply!
    • Twitch/Mixer creators: 50+ average concurrent viewers in the past 30 days and ~500 followers
    • YouTubers: 3,000 average views per video in the past 30 days and minimum 5,000 subscribers
  • PG-friendly channel and content and a similarly appropriate social media presence is required.
  • Must be 18 years of age or older and reside in a country in which Pokémon Masters EX is officially distributed.
  • Active participants in existing Pokémon Masters EX communities (official or unofficial) is a huge plus! This program is not about recruiting new players or content creators for Pokémon Masters EX, but rather to recognize and reward the fans who are already playing and creating!
What are the benefits of joining?
The following benefits are conferred to creators joining the Partner Program, though this list is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.
  • Early access to update information to assist you in preparing content.
  • Amplified content via social media (on a case-by-case basis and subject to review).
  • Access to a private DeNA Discord server to collaborate with the community team and fellow creators.
  • Monthly premium currency stipend (such as free gems, amount will vary based on several factors and may increase over time).
  • Exclusive bonus goodies and potential participation in Pokémon Masters EX promotional events and campaigns.
  • Items you can give your community to help promote your content.
  • Exclusive custom overlay, promotional assets, etc.

How long does it take to get approved?

Due to the volume of applications, it will take upwards of three weeks to receive a response from our team. From there, you’ll get an email with additional terms and details on how to join the program. We may not be able to respond to each applicant.

What if I don’t meet the requirements?
The requirements listed above are not strict, and you may still be considered based on various other factors. That said, we cannot guarantee that a rejected application will be considered again in the future. If you choose to reapply after your application is rejected, we recommend you wait at least 30 days and provide a detailed update on your channel and/or digital presence, which may factor into our next decision.

How will I receive my benefits?
Once accepted into the program, a member of the community team will contact you with details about the onboarding process. Once you’ve completed onboarding, you’ll begin receiving your monthly stipend of free gems automatically (sent to your in-game Present Box with the label “Present”). Please note that if your onboarding concludes after that month’s free gems have been distributed, you will not receive free gems until the following month.

Other benefits may be available on a case-by-case basis, and the community team will inform you if and when opportunities like these arise.

Are there any restrictions on hosting giveaways?
Giveaways will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and each creator must only give away what they are allocated.

Are there any contracts or documents that I’ll be required to sign upon admittance to the program?
Yes. Participants who are accepted into the program will need to sign an official partner agreement as well as a separate non-disclosure agreement.

Additional agreements may be required based solely on the Pokémon Masters EX community team’s discretion.

Is there a fee to apply for or join the partner program?
There is no fee associated with applying for the partner program nor are there membership fees! All you need to do is fill out the application found here and be ready to respond to the community team if your application is approved.