Beginning June 1, the district will implement changes to how it supports ESW families. With the re-introduction of in-class instruction, Learning and Care Centres (LCC) as we know them today, will no longer be required. Registered ESW children will attend their home school where they can receive in-class instructional support Monday to Friday (or the days their parents are at their workplace), during their regular bell schedule. Please note: depending on student needs and staffing requirements, your child may not return to their regular classroom for the remainder of the school year.


The BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) protects the rights of individuals to privacy and prevents the school district from releasing personal information about you and your family to anyone outside the district. Information that you have included in this survey may or may not be stored on servers that reside in Canada. 

As an alternative, you may answer the following questions in an email to

Review Survey Monkey's Canadian data centre overview

Question Title

* 1. Are you an individual critical to preserving life, health and societal functioning - including emergency responders, front-line health care workers, and critical infrastructure and supply chain (e.g. grocery, medicine) workers? If yes, what is your name?

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* 2. What is your job title?

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* 3. Who is your employer?

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* 4. Do you have a spouse/partner that resides with you?

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* 5. If applicable, what is their job title?

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* 6. If applicable, who is their employer?

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* 7. What is your child's name?

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* 8. What school do they attend?

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* 9. What is their current grade?

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* 10. Do any of your children have special care needs?

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* 11. Please list the days and hours your require childcare services.

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* 12. What is your usual childcare arrangement?

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* 13. The district's primary concern is support for school aged children (ages 5-12), but is investigating the opportunity to provide care for children aged 0-5. Do you have a preschooler that would require temporary childcare?

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* 14. What is your home address?

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* 15. What is your phone number?

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* 16. What is your email address?