2023 ASPHN Partnership Review - Existing Partners

This survey is a duplicate of the document ASPHN Partnership Review Form.  Each liaison will only need to fill out one review per partnership/collaboration per year.  Every Partnership will need to be reviewed. 
If you are doing this review with a Partner representative, (someone from the organization you are reviewing)  please share this link with them. (If you fill out 2 different reviews using the name of the same partner/organization, we will combine the responses.)
Note: This form has been modified from previous years.  New questions are in this (BLUE) font.

ASPHN Partnership Review - Existing/Current Partners 

The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists develops leaders in public health nutrition who strengthen policy, programs and environments making it possible for everyone to make healthy food choices and achieve healthy, active lifestyles.

Question Title

* 1.    Name of Partner, Organization, Committee or Work Group:

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* 2. Name of Liaison:

Question Title

* 3. Date submitted mm/dd/yr:

Question Title

* 4. If the liaison completed this review with the assistance of a representative from the partner organization, please list the partner's:
  • Name:
  • Title:
  • Position:
  • Email address:
  • Duration of time (working, participating in) the organization/committee:

Question Title

* 5. Liaison Term (beginning date and end date of 2-year term):
Note: The Liaison term is a minimum 2-year commitment, but the term can be extended.

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* 6. Is this liaison currently active with this partner organization or committee?

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* 7. Is the liaison interested in continuing in this capacity for another two-year term?

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* 8. Did the liaison submit ASPHN Board reports? Note: This is required unless otherwise indicated.

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* 9. Did the liaison submit reports to any other Committee or Council (for example, ASPHN’s Policy Committee)?

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* 10. In what ways did the liaison represent ASPHN to this collaboration/partnership? Please be as specific as possible. (Please identify any reports, updates, meeting minutes or any other documentation that captures or reflects ASPHN promotion. Please attach below or send these documents to shana@asphn.org). For information on ASPHN promotion, See Key Messages PPT (link).

Question Title

* 11. What was accomplished through this partnership (between ASPHN & the organization)?  Please provide a brief description of the highlights and/or send the reports that were submitted (mentioned above) during the current year.  Attach file below, or send to shana@asphn.org 

Question Title

* 12. Is ASPHN involved in a project with this partner?  If yes, and it is different than the response to question #11, please briefly describe.  Indicate whether the project is time-limited or ongoing.

12 a. Is there a current or upcoming project that ASPHN might be interested in participating in?  If so, provide a brief description.  (Responses to both questions can be addressed in the comment box by designating #12, and 12. a.)

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* 13. ASPHNs 2017-2022 Strategic Plan promotes the inclusion of the Levels of Collaboration (LOC) Scale to rate Partnerships. With this new procedure, all collaborations and partnerships must be reviewed to obtain data. Please refer to the Collaboration Primer for more detailed information, and ASPHN Collaboration Resources section for more in-depth resources.

What level of collaboration is this partnership currently at in relation to its partnership/interaction with ASPHN?

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* 14. What level of collaboration do you think this partnership should/could be at?

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* 15. Is this partnership helping to advance the priorities outlined in ASPHN’s strategic plan?  The following is a list of ASPHN Priorities. Responding "Directly" means that the priority is most directly related to the project or association.  (To view the full list of ASPHN Priorities, click here.)

  Yes - Directly Indirectly No N/A
1 Support the association operations and have the capacity to achieve the mission and pursue the vision.
2 Provide a strong, proactive voice to advance national policies, initiatives, resources and programs that help states and localities effectively address issues related to nutrition and physical activity.
3 Promote the role and value of the public health nutritionists.
4 To make sure the healthy choice is the easy choice, elevate systems, policy and environmental change (e.g. behavioral economic strategies) as statewide and local strategies that promote nutrition and physical activity and prevent disease.
5 Achieve optimal well-being through healthy eating and active living among the maternal, infant, child and adolescent population, including those served by Title V/MCH Block Grant.
6 Work to achieve health equity by making health equity a priority in programs.
7 Develop resources that facilitate state-to-state sharing and that enable State Health Agencies to provide effective, visible leadership for healthy eating and physical activity, especially in communities with high rates of chronic disease.
8 Develop a multi-disciplinary, culturally competent, diverse workforce to address public health nutrition issues, and support robust educational preparation of public health nutritionists.
9 Provide guidance to members to develop and implement nutrition programs and services as part of the Affordable Care Act.
10 Assure access to public health nutrition data to help assess nutritional health status of populations, track impact of interventions, identify early-emerging, nutrition-related health concerns, and identify populations who are disproportionally ....
11 Increase fruit and vegetable consumption, especially in communities with high rates of chronic disease.
12 Promote health by preventing obesity, especially in communities with high rates of chronic disease.
13 Reduce access to sugar-sweetened beverages and increase access to water, especially in communities with high rates of chronic disease
14 Increase the incidence, exclusivity, and duration of breastfeeding.
15 Assure access to healthy food in all communities including the elimination of food insecurity and hunger and reduce food waste.
16 Increase physical activity and decrease physical inactivity, especially in communities with high rates of chronic disease.
Partner Work Related to the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health  For Pillar details go here.   (Please leave this blank as it is a heading)
17 Improve food access and affordability
18 Integrate Nutrition and Health
19 Empower all consumers to make and have access to healthy choices
20 Support physical activity for all
21 Enhance nutrition and food security research

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* 16. Are there any emerging policy issues the ASPHN Policy Committee should be aware of related to this partnership?  If yes, please describe.

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* 17. What is the level of involvement or time commitment required as the ASPHN liaison to this organization?

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* 18. Is there travel involved for in-person meetings? If so, what are the travel requirements? Is there funding available from the partner organization to reimburse for travel or activities?

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* 19. Do you recommend that ASPHN continue this partnership in this upcoming calendar year?  Provide additional reasoning if needed.

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* 20. Additional Feedback from the Liaison: