The Pet Assistance Program is currently on "Pause" to catch up with requests flooding in months. ONLY APPLY IF YOU ARE VERY LOW INCOME.
If this is URGENT: Please call 250 448-8554 x 1 and send an email to if you need to urgent access to the program.
Otherwise, check back periodically to access to spay/neuter and keep animals inside to avoid pregnancies.
If this is a MEDICAL EMERGENCY please call call a vet immediately to get the animal in for an EXAM ($100). The veterinarian can contact OHS once you are there with your pet by calling 250 448-8554 and choose ext 1 to leave a detailed message.
DO NOT WAIT FOR A REPLY from OHS if you animal is in distress, or experiencing an emergency or in critical condition.
If you submitted a spay/neuter request more than 2 weeks ago and haven't received a response please awaiting a reply please check your spam/junk folder for an emails from: .
Email us at the above address to inquire about status.
This program is for VERY LOW INCOME pet owners only and is funded only by donations from the community. Applying does not guarantee approval.
Please only apply if you have no other resources available (family, credit card, or savings) to pay for spay/neuter and emergency medical.
Also try applying for a veterinary loan with a repayment plan at: (iFinance) once you have a quote from a vet.
Please keep animals safe inside and separated from breeding.
Thank you, and we are sorry for the inconvenience.
OHS Volunteers
Updated October 14, 2024
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