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* 1. What type of Internet connection do you have at home?

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* 2. At home we have devices using the following operating system(s): (select all that apply)

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* 3. To what degree do you feel your student is currently engaged in school.

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* 5. How often would you like to see your student use a computer/electronic device to do the following tasks?

  Frequently Sometimes Rarely Never
Work individually on school work
Work in groups on school work
Perform research or find information using the Internet
Use a computer for writing
Use a computer for publishing work online (blogs, website, video hosting site, etc)
Use a computer to solve problems
Use a computer to play games
Choose your own digital presentation platform to show a learned concept (PowerPoint, Prezi, SlideRocket, etc)
Take an online assessment
Submit work online
View a video lesson to learn or reinforce an educational concept
Create a video, audio, movie file for presenting or showing mastery of a concept
Collaborate with an expert or other class outside of Liberty
Take a virtual fieldtrip
Use video conferencing (Skype, Facetime, etc) to team/work with students in my class

Question Title

* 6. Compared to a traditional classroom, please indicate the degree to which you agree this 1:1 experience will impact your student:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree N/A
The teachers role in the classroom has changed to a more student-centered classroom
The delivery of instruction has changed for the better
The classroom climate has changed for the better
I believe my son/daugher to be more engaged in the classroom
I believe my son/daugher's computer skills have improved
I believe my son/daugher has been given greater flexibility with multiple tools to show mastery of learning
I believe my son/daugher will be better prepared for their future
I believe my son/daugher has had more opportunities to interact with the world through publishing, collaborating with others, virtual field trips, etc
I believe having a laptop allows my son/daughter to be a more productive learner outside of school

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* 7. Please rate your excitement for having 1:1 devices on the following scale

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* 8. What additional questions or concerns do you have about this pilot program?