Welcome to the Wiveliscombe Netbox project

12% of survey complete.
What is Netbox?

Imagine a website that supports a vibrant local exchange for adult learners (from 15 to 99) - mentoring, talks, skill shares, workshops and more - populated with the skills and knowledge of your community. Say you want to learn food growing, improve your professional networking skills or brush up on your politics. With the click of a button you could find a Wivey local, willing and able to teach you.

This is the vision behind Netbox. This website will be ready to be use as a community forum by the end of the year.

You can already visit www.wiveliscombe.com/netbox for more info, and how to get involved.

In order to set this up this web-forum, we need to map all the amazing potential, knowledge and skills in Wiveliscombe.

This is where we need YOUR input. We need to find out what:

a) Your skills and knowledge are, what you are good at; and
b) You would like to learn

What we mean by learning and education ….. this project is about ‘learning’, any form of learning. Don’t think ‘formal education’ only, this is about people teaching and helping each other. So when you teach your neighbour how to keep the slugs from their vegetable garden, a form of learning is happening. So think ‘wide’ about your learning ‘assets’ and ‘needs’.

We are also gathering the views of local businesses and organisations involved in learning so we have a complete picture.

Before you start telling us about yourself, please take a moment to read these instructions:

Questions requiring ONE answer have CIRCLES next to each answer option - click on a circle to select your answer.

Questions allowing MORE THAN ONE response have BOXES next to each answer option - click on as many boxes as apply to you. If you change your mind about an answer, clicking on the box again will remove the tick.

Some questions ask you to type in your answer in your own words, into the box provided.

Click on 'Next' to move forward to the next page in the questionnaire.

It is possible to change any answer you have made, including going back to pages you have already completed, by clicking on 'Previous'.

Some pages have several questions - please scroll down to answer all the questions.

At the top of each page there is a progress bar showing you the % of the questionnaire you have completed.

You may complete as much or as little of this questionnaire as you wish in one sitting. If you run out of time, simply click on 'Exit survey' at the top right hand side and when you next log in the questionnaire will start where you left off.

If you encounter technical difficulties completing the questionnaire, please email us at netbox@superact.org.uk

Otherwise, thank you once again for your help.