Dear Community Partner:

The Baptist Healing Trust is currently conducting planning for a statewide collaborative initiative to provide outreach, education and enrollment assistance to uninsured Tennesseans and help them get enrolled in new affordable health insurance options made available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Next year, hundreds of thousands of uninsured Tennesseans will be newly eligible to shop for and purchase affordable, comprehensive insurance plans through the health insurance exchange, or Marketplace, but most will need help to understand their choices and enroll in coverage. The new federal health insurance marketplace will need community-based organizations to act as Navigators to help educate consumers about their healthcare options and provide them assistance to enroll in coverage that meets their needs.

The purpose of this survey is to assist the planning collaborative in understanding the potential for consumer assistance/navigation support services within Tennessee’s non-profit community, the level of interest community-based organizations have in serving in this capacity, and what resources organizations like yours may need if you are interested in providing navigation services to your clients or the community you serve.

Thank you very much for your time and for the work you do for our state.

Kindest Regards,

Beth Uselton
Program Officer
ACA Outreach and Enrollement Planning Project
Baptist Healing Trust
1919 Charlotte Avenue, Suite 320
Nashville, TN 37203
615-284-8271 ext.12