
9% of survey complete.
Are you or are you thinking about receiving donor treatment, either here or abroad? Or have you received donor treatment in the past? If so, we would like to hear your views on the sort of personal information you received, or may have wanted to receive, about donors.

This information may include a personal description written by the donor him or herself (known as a ‘pen portrait’), and a personal message for any children born from their donation (known as a ‘goodwill message’). This information can help potential parents get an idea of what the donor is like and can be helpful when parents explain to their child that they are donor-conceived.

The HFEA expects clinics to make this sort of information available to people seeking treatment in a non-identifying form. However, we are aware that not all clinics do this and we would like to explore the reasons for this and what we can do to help. As part of this, we’d like to understand patients’ views and experiences. In particular, we’d like to know whether this sort of information is important to you and, if so, why.

If you think you can help, and would like to share your views, please fill in the following short survey – which should only take about 5 minutes.