1. Welcome

17% of survey complete.

Thank you for taking the time to participate!

UNICEF and The Communication Initiative are distributing this survey to organizations and individuals working in international development. The purpose of the survey is to gain a better picture of:

• The information needs and practices of professionals like yourselves working in international development
• The resources you most often turn to and use
• The sources of information you find most useful including those produced by UNICEF
• The tools you most often use to identify and access information

We will share results with any interested participants (you can opt to do this at the end of the survey), and we encourage you to share this invitation with other colleagues you think would be interested. This information will be used to help strengthen UNICEF’s global communication and advocacy efforts.

All personal and identifying information will be kept strictly confidential. This survey should take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

This survey repeats one undertaken in April 2011. As well as being valuable in itself the data gathered in this 2012 survey, when compared to the 2011 survey, will provide important trend data.

Thanks once again, we know how busy you are and value the time you are giving us!

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* 1. Please provide us with some basic contact information.

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* 2. What is the name of the organisation you work for and what is your job title?

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* 3. Are you presently working for UNICEF?