1. To start off, we'd like to ask you a few questions about yourself...

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Some of these questions are very personal, and we want to reassure you that your answers will be kept anonymous and are 100% confidential. Surveys submitted through Survey Monkey will be anonymous. You do not need to include your name and no respondent will be identifiable in the analysis. Please feel free to skip any questions that do not apply to you or that you do not feel comfortable answering. Your answers are very important, and will be used to contribute to an evidence base that reflects the voices of young people. If you have any questions about the questionnaire or would like a copy of the final paper, please contact Julie Mellin, GYCA's Program Associate for the Link Up project.

This survey consists of 3 sections:

- Part 1 asks for personal data, but all information given will be completely anonymous.

- Part 2 asks you to identify your 3 top priority issues affecting young people in all their diversity at the intersection of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights. This vision for the future will inform national and global advocacy by, for and with young people toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the formation of the post-2015 development agenda.

- Part 3 asks a series of short-answer questions addressing your experience and perspective on services, practice and policies around HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights integration with space for you to provide longer answers if you have time. The questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes, and we would greatly appreciate if you answered as many questions as you can!

If you have questions about definitions, sexual and reproductive health rights, HIV/AIDS, or human rights, please check out International HIV/AIDS Alliance's resource site for more information.

If you are interested in learning more about GYCA or the ATHENA Network (authors of this questionnaire), please see their websites below:


ATHENA Network

Question Title

How old are you?

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What is your relationship status? (Please check as many as apply.)

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What region do you live in?

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Do you live in one of the following countries?

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Do you live in a rural or urban area?

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Highest level of education completed:

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Are you working? This includes working in an "informal" job like agriculture, hawking, etc.

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What is your gender identity?

We all have multiple identities. For example, I may be a young woman who identifies as a young woman and as a woman who has used injection drugs or I may be a young man who identifies as a youth activist and a person living with HIV. In the next question, please share the identity that is most relevant and meaningful to you. If you would like to specify more than one, we encourage you to do so and to write it in the "additional" section.

Question Title

Do you identify as any of the following? Tick the one you most identify with.