
4% of survey complete.
This project is designed to investigate relationships between positive psychology, health related attitudes and practices, coping, and demographic variables (age, gender, etc.). Your completion of this questionnaire is completely voluntary. The length of time expected to complete this questionnaire is about 45 minutes. You may skip any questions that make you feel uncomfortable and you may end your participation at anytime without consequence.

The purpose of this study is to investigate relationships between positive psychology, health related attitudes and practices, coping, and demographic variables (age, gender, etc.). As such, we are giving a survey questionnaire to families of children with special needs and asking the parents to complete a copy. That is, each parent to complete a copy, without discussing your responses until completed. It should only take about 45 minutes to complete. You will be asked questions about positive psychology (e.g., spirituality/religiousness, forgiveness, hope, gratitude, mindfulness, etc.) and a variety of indicators of health, psychological functioning, well-being, and coping. Since this project deals with some sensitive topics related to such things, it might cause some minor stress. However, you may also feel better after realizing that your answers may help us better understand health, psychological functioning, well-being, and coping.

This method is completely anonymous and confidential. In other words, there will be no way to connect your name with your responses. Although your rights and privacy will be maintained, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the ETSU IRB and personnel particular to this research have access to the study records.

If you do not want to fill out the survey, it will not affect you in any way. There are no alternative procedures except to choose not to participate in the study.

Participation in this research study is voluntary. You may refuse to participate. You can quit at any time. If you quit or refuse to participate, the benefits or treatment to which you are otherwise entitled will not be affected.

If you have any research-related questions or problems, you may contact Dr. Webb at (423) 439-4466. Also, the chairperson of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at East Tennessee State University is available at (423) 439-6054 if you have questions about your rights as a research subject. If you have any questions or concerns about the research and want to talk to someone independent of the research team or you can’t reach the study staff, you may call an IRB Coordinator at (423) 439-6055 or (423) 439-6002.

You may complete the survey online by entering the following website address in an internet browser: