1. CMR Parent Survey

Your participation should take less than 2 minutes.

This survey is conducted by the Congenital Malformations Registry (CMR) of the New York State Department of Health. Children are reported to the CMR after being diagnosed with a birth defect. The purpose is to enable the health department to monitor trends with birth defects and understand if negative environmental exposures, such as Love Canal, are causing more children to be born with birth defects. The aims of this survey are to evaluate the CMR’s current methods used to communicate study findings and birth defects prevention information to parents of children with birth defects. In addition, the CMR is seeking advice on other ways they can communicate with families.

Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Your name will not be asked on any part of the questionnaire. All responses you provide will remain confidential and anonymous. You may withdraw from this survey at any time you wish.

Thank you!