Consent Form

Question Title

* The purpose of this research project is to better understand the experiences and feelings of Chinese adoptees regarding their racial and ethnic identity. This is a research project being conducted by Kameko Rae Winborn at Dartmouth College. You are invited to participate in this research project because you are a Chinese adoptee over the age of 18.

Your participation in this research study is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. If you decide to participate in this research survey, you may withdraw at any time. If you decide not to participate in this study or if you withdrawal from participating at any time, you will not be penalized.

The procedure involves filling an online survey that will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Your responses will be confidential. You will not be required to give your name or contact information unless you wish to participate in the follow up interview. The survey questions will be about your demographic information. You will also be asked several personal questions such as what life was like growing up, your feelings about your race and ethnicity, etc.

We will do our best to keep your information confidential. All data is stored in a password protected electronic format. To help protect your confidentiality, the surveys will not contain information that will personally identify you. The results of this study will be used for scholarly purposes only and may be shared with Dartmouth College representatives.

If you have any questions about the research study, please contact Kameko Rae Winborn at This research has been reviewed according to Dartmouth College IRB procedures for research involving human subjects.

ELECTRONIC CONSENT: Please select your choice below.

Clicking on the “agree” button below indicates that:
• You have read the above information
• You voluntarily agree to participate
• You are at least 18 years of age

If you do not wish to participate in the research study, please decline participation by clicking on the “disagree” button