Satisfaction Survey - Have your say

We are interesting in hearing your views about Children's Centres in Bexley.

Please submit your survey by 29th November 2013.

Question Title


Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of this Children's Centre?

  Not Satisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied Not applicable
Opening Hours
Healthy Eating
Equipment & Materials
How staff communicate with you
Availability of staff when you need them
Interaction between staff and children
Meeting the individual needs of you & your child
Promoting your child's learning and development
Variety of activities
Multicultural activities
Affordability of activities
Telephone answered promptly
How reception staff deal with you
Ease of booking activities
Queries followed up promptly
Opportunities for parent involvement

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following areas has this centre helped you with and how did it help?

  Taught me some new things Helped me to gain some new skills Helped me to get a different way of looking at things Helped me make some changes in how I do things Helped me with something else
Making healthy lifestyle choices
Having a safe and stable home
Supporting learning and development
Managing behaviour and building relationships
Being involved in the community
Developing skills to get back to work (includes training and job searching)
Helping my child with speech and language and better communication
Better parenting skills

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* 4. How have the benefits you decribed in Question 3 affected your children and/or your life at home?

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* 5. How would you rate your satisfaction with this Children's Centre?

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* 6. What do you like best about this centre?

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* 7. Is there anything you would like to be different, improvements to services offered or other services you think would be helpful to you from this centre?

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* 8. Where did you first hear about this centre?

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* 9. How do you normally receive the activity programme from this Children's Centre?

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* 10. Do you attend more than one Children's Centre?