There are many factors that can help you better prepare for study at University.

Why not Start Smart in 2013 by being Uni-Ready!

The University of Newcastle provides students with a variety of different services, all aimed at helping make your University study more effective. The Uni-ready quiz is designed to guide you through the services relevant to you. The outcomes from each question will provide information on the available services, orientation activities, and workshops run to help students perform at their academic best.

Please note that all hyperlinks will open in a new tab or window depending on your browser. You will need to select the Survey Monkey web page to continue this quiz.

<style="COLOR: #039"> Complete the Uni-Ready quiz and go into the draw to win a prize!

Let's get started!

Question Title

* Please provide your current postcode.

Question Title

* Have you completed high school study in the last two years?