STEM Conference Request for Proposals

Proposal review: Beginning on, January 10th, 2014, proposals for 1 hour presentations or 1.5 hour interactive workshops at the STEM Conference May 14th, 2014 will be accepted. The deadline for submission of proposals will be February 10th, 2014. You will receive notification of acceptance by March 3rd, 2014. You may be asked repeat a session at the conference.

If you intend to complete the Request for Proposals through Survey Monkey, we highly suggest that you download a hard copy first, and review the information thoroughly before beginning the online process.

Submission: Please submit the entire proposal (both the Cover Page and the Description of Proposed Presentation) together. Questions regarding RFPs should be directed to Julie Steimle at (513) 556-6454.

Registration: Please note that you will also be required to register for the conference once the registration site opens on January 24th. All participants including presenters will pay the $25 conference fee which includes, lunch, parking, and up to 5 contact hours.

Types of Presentations Requested:
Presentations for K-12 teachers should fall into one of three categories:

1) Interactive Workshops – These are sessions related to STEM education models that involve Challenge Based Learning, Engineering Design, Math/Science Cross Curricular Collaborations, ELA/Science Integration, 21st Century Learning Skills, and/or career exploration (in and out of the classroom) etc. and require active participation from the attendees. These sessions will include a hands-on component. Interactive Workshops are scheduled for a 90 minute time period.

2) Multiple Presenter Sessions – Practitioners (no more than 3) share their experiences regarding STEM initiatives, career exploration and readiness, etc. and answer questions from the audience. Multiple Presenter Sessions are scheduled for a one hour period of time.

3) STEM Related Opportunities - Presenters would share information about STEM related grant opportunities, STEM related professional organizations, national STEM collaboration, STEM opportunities for minorities and women, businesses and industries that support STEM initiatives, and/or other STEM related career exploration and/or readiness opportunities. Networking with other people who can support STEM education and career preparation or the grant process would be a component of this kind of session. STEM Related Opportunity Sessions are scheduled for a one hour period of time.

Presentations for Administrators fall into this category:
Embracing the new Math Common Core and New Ohio Science Learning Standards, STEM Models, 21st Century Learning Skills, College and Career Readiness, the Labor Market, and other STEM Initiatives: These are sessions specifically geared toward the needs of administrators for exploring the benefits of STEM education. They will address grants, resources, networking and how to mobilize the teaching staff toward those efforts. Presentations for Administrators are limited to Multiple Presenter Sessions or STEM Related Opportunities and are scheduled for a one hour period of time.

Question Title

* 1. First and last name:

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Work Phone

Question Title

* 4. Cell Phone

Question Title

* 5. Please select the category that best describes you.