Question Title

* 1. Please tell us about you.
Include an email or phone number if you want us to be able to reach you.

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* 2. What market do you represent?

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* 3. Have you ever used a Visitor Management System before?

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* 4. About how many visitors have you registered at the time of taking this survey?

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* 5. How easy was it to install our software?

Question Title

* 6. How quick was the installation process for our software?

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* 7. How user-friendly is our software's interface?

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* 8. How often does our software freeze or crash?

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* 9. How successful is our software in performing its intended task?

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* 10. How useful is the included documentation for our software?

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* 11. How helpful is the customer support for our software?

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* 12. How can we improve our software?

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* 13. Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction?

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* 14. How likely are you to recommend our software to others?

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* 15. What are the three most valuable features for you?

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* 16. How is the pricing?

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* 17. Do you have a preference for Badge Size?

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* 18. How can we improve this survey?