Please answer the following questions as honestly and as thoroughly as possible. Remember, your feedback will help us better prepare other minority students to study abroad.

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* 1. Where did you study and for how long? Why did you choose this particular program?

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* 2. Was there a destination you wanted to study at but that was not available to you? Why did you want to study at that location?

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* 3. What were you hesitations about studying abroad before you left the United States?

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* 4. How did you pay for your study abroad experience? Did you receive any scholarships/loans/grants/other?

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* 5. How big of a role did your family play in your decision to study abroad? Please explain why or why not.

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* 6. How many minority students (not including you) traveled on the program?

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* 7. How were you treated in your host country?

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* 8. Were you treated differently than other American students?

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* 9. Were you regularly asked questions about your race while abroad?

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* 10. How important is it to you to have other students of your race or ethnic background on your program? Please explain.

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* 11. Is there any advice you would like to give future minority study abroad students?

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* 12. Other than providing more scholarships, what suggestions do you have for the GSU Study Abroad Programs office in order to encourage more minority students to study abroad?

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* 13. Do you feel study abroad will be helpful in your career path? Why or why not?