The following survey is your opportunity to help form new FAA policies and requirements. It will take only 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently use or have used any type of resin molding process for building of materials/products?

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* 2. Are you aware of the FAA document DOT/FAA/AR-06/25 that describes guidelines for development and use of resin molded materials?

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* 3. For varying resin chemistries, which additional verification methods are used to ensure the appropriate mixing or to analyze the ingredients present?

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* 4. What tests performed at the resin level are provided by your supplier's process specifications or receiving information?

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* 5. If blending resin batches, what chemical analysis tests are used to determine the nature and type of the blending?

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* 6. How useful do you find the color of the resin at different stages in the process in providing information about the quality of a batch? (pg 16)

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* 7. Does the tracking policy implemented by your material suppliers of resin provide documentation of the following? (Select all provided).

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* 8. Which of the following describe how qualified employees of varied levels are to produce composites using your process specifications?

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* 9. When testing resin samples from the mixed batch, do you test for ultimate Tg?

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* 10. If so, what test method is used?

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* 11. When carrying out resin infusion, which factors do you take into consideration to determine the number of thermocouples necessary for adequate measurements for a large panel?

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* 12. When inspecting a panel after cure, do you use any of the following to determine whether the resin is sufficiently cured? (select all tests used)

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* 13. When testing the physical properties of your cured composites, do you test for thermal induced microcracking from scenarios like temperature cycles or heat -up spikes?

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* 14. How long do you keep records of your raw batch ingredients?

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* 15. What are your guidelines for mixing of resin and fiber batches?

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* 16. When dealing with qualification baseline enhancement after an initial material qualification testing, how many batches do you include for developing specification limits and control limits?

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* 17. Please describe your experience with dry spot formation during the VARTM process:

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* 18. If encountered, please list any thoughts on what causes this problem or how to reduce this problem: