US 441 Corridor Study - Community Survey

The Florida Department of Transportation is conducting a corridor study to improve transit service along US 441. The corridor begins in downtown Orlando and heads northwest through the City of Apopka and ends in the Cities of Eustis, Mount Dora, and Tavares in Lake County. The Department is currently considering three transit alternatives. Please reference the maps below of the three alternatives.

[Note: You may go back at anytime during the survey and update your answers prior to submitting your survey. Please scroll between the maps and questions below as you respond to the survey.]

Question Title

Alternative 1 would be an all commuter rail service (meaning a passenger train to get riders from one place to another regularly during the work week with more frequent service during rush hours)

Alternative 1 would be an all commuter rail service (meaning a passenger train to get riders from one place to another regularly during the work week with more frequent service during rush hours)

Question Title

Alternative 2 would be a combination of commuter rail and express bus service (where express bus connects one destination to another and has a limited number of stops to save travel time)

Alternative 2 would be a combination of commuter rail and express bus service (where express bus connects one destination to another and has a limited number of stops to save travel time)

Question Title

Alternative 3 would be an all express bus service (a bus with limited stops to save time)

Alternative 3 would be an all express bus service (a bus with limited stops to save time)

Question Title

* 1. Please check all that apply to you as it relates to the study area. (Please refer to the Alternatives Maps for general boundary of the study area):

Question Title

* 2. Would you use a commuter rail service?

Question Title

* 3. Would you use an express bus service?

Question Title

* 4. Which alternative do you prefer most? (please rank your preference: 1st = most preferred, 2 = 2nd preference, and 3 = least preferred).

  1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice
Alternative 1 (all commuter rail)
Alternative 2 (combination commuter rail and express bus)
Alternative 3 (all express bus)

Question Title

* 5. What types of trips would you like to take on a new transit service? (please select all that apply)

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* 6. At which transit station(s) would you most likely START your trip? (please select all that apply)

Question Title

* 7. At which transit station(s) would you most likely END your trip? (please select all that apply)