I hereby agree to participate in the national survey of Masters students.

I understand that I am participating freely and without being forced in any way to do so.

I also understand that I can stop completing the questionnaire at any time and withdraw as a participant in the research without this affecting me negatively in any way whatsoever.

I have received (in the email letter that introduced this survey) the details of a person to contact should I require information about any issues which may arise from this survey.

I understand that my answers will remain entirely confidential.

I also understand that my answers will not be shared with my study leader/supervisor/promoter and that the same survey is currently being conducted at other South African universities.

I understand that the final report to be produced from this survey will be a public document and that my responses will be combined with those of other participants without identifying me in any way.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose an option below to give consent before completing the survey.

20% of survey complete.