
This survey is part of our efforts to make this school the best place for students to learn. Your honest opinion is appreciated. If you "disagree" or "strongly disagree" with a statement in the survey, please use the comment box at the end of the survey to explain. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. I am in grade:

Question Title

* 2. School:

Question Title

* 3. I am: (Please mark all that apply.)

Question Title

* 4. I am:

Question Title

* 5. My teachers motivate me to do my best work.

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* 6. I feel safe at school.

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* 7. Students respect one another at this school.

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* 8. Teachers treat me fairly.

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* 9. Students in the class treat the teachers with respect.

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* 10. I know what activities are going on at school.

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* 11. I know who to talk to if I am having a problem at school.

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* 12. My teachers recognize the good work I am doing.

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* 13. My last year of school prepared me for this year's schoolwork.

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* 14. My teachers help me if I don't understand something.

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* 15. I feel safe from gang activity and gang violence at school.

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* 16. Student drug or alcohol use rarely or never occurs at school.

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* 17. The buildings and grounds are clean.

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* 18. The buildings and grounds are well maintained.

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* 19. I know the school rules.

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* 20. I can easily access computers and other technology to do my schoolwork.

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* 21. In class, the teacher is prepared and we do not waste time.

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* 22. My teachers explain difficult things clearly.

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* 23. I can talk to the principal when I need to.

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* 24. I am able to complete my homework without assistance.

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* 25. What grade would you give your school?