This project is solely concerned with marketing research and there will be no attempts to sell you anything or influence your professional options in any way

We are a branch of a larger market research company, whose goal is to make contact with "Social Workers". We will be looking to reach out to those interested in the form of online surveys and telephone discussions to further understand the services provided.

Our clients range from not-for-profit organizations, advertising agencies, advocacy groups and pharmaceutical companies. We work with them as an independent research company to go out and find the opinions of people closest to various disease groups. We have worked in a number of different disease areas including diabetes, autism, Fragile X, schizophrenia, etc.

All information collected during the surveys or phone discussions will be completely confidential in that your name or any identifying information will never be shown to our clients.

Question Title

* 1. Please identify the sector of your employer.

Question Title

* 2. Average number of Clients seen per month, per diagnosis.

For clients with mutiple diagnosis; please count them for each condition.

Question Title

* 3. About how long have you been in your current position?

Question Title

* 4. Please provide basic demographic information.

Name, Phone number and address are requested - not required at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this short questionnaire. We are collecting basic information to match individuals with specific survey requirements in order to invite your participation.