Submission Deadline: January 31, 2014
The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) is accepting proposals for the 2014 Texas Emergency Management Conference (TEMC). Presentations that focus on current issues, lessons learned, creative best practices, and participant interaction are strongly encouraged and will be given preference. Multiple submissions are welcome.

Question Title

* 1. Please read all the information below and click the box below to confirm that you have read, understand, and accept the terms and conditions before completing the application.

Session Types

Sessions are 60 minutes in length and will have a room setup in classroom or theater style.

Selection Process
The TDEM planning committee and subject matter experts will review all submissions and select sessions based on relevance, timeliness of content, and instructor qualifications.

Room Setup and Equipment
Rooms will be set up in theater or classroom style. Each room will consist of a laptop, podium, projector and screen. There will be no internet provided, so be sure to download all presentation material to thumb drive for upload at conference.

Benefits of Presenting
TDEM appreciates the value that each presenter’s expertise, background and experience bring to TEMC. TDEM offers the following benefits to selected speakers:
  • Complimentary conference registration for each speaker/co-presenter.
  • Complimentary conference bag and materials
*TDEM provides up to two (2) complimentary conference registrations per session for TEMC speakers. This complimentary registration is non-transferrable and applies to speakers/co-presenters only.

Submission Instructions
  • Submissions will only be accepted online. Faxed, emailed, or mailed forms will NOT be accepted. A separate form must be submitted for each presentation.
  • Submission of a proposal does not guarantee participation in 2014 TEMC.
  • Please do not submit a proposal if you and you co-presenters are not available to present on any day of 2014 TEMC.
  • All speakers are individually responsible for his/her travel, transportation, parking, lodging and meal costs. A list of hotel rooms can be found at (link).
  • Individuals must complete the submission process in its entirety. Incomplete submissions will not be accepted.
  • If selected, all presenters agree to the following:
    • Deliver presentation(s) at dates and times assigned;
    • Grant permission to be photographed or digitally captured;
    • Grant permission for TDEM to post slideshow presentation online following the conclusion of the TEMC (surrender copy).
  • If the submission is selected, TDEM reserves the right to revise program titles and edit the program summary for promotional materials associated with TEMC.
Non-Commercial Nature of Sessions Policy
Speakers must refrain from the use of brand names or specific product endorsements in their presentations. Under no circumstances are presentations to be used as a place for direct promotion of a speaker’s product.

There are three (3) steps to submit your session:
  1. Enter session submission
    1. Enter the Title (10 words or less)
    2. Provide contact information
    3. Select the appropriate ability level for the session:
      • Beginner
      • Intermediate
      • Advanced
    4. Enter Session Description (30 words or less). If selected, this description will be used in marketing materials and attendee guides. This description should “sell” your session in the most concise and creative way.
    5. Select the proposed subject matter category:
      • Public Health
      • Fire
      • Law Enforcement
      • Weather
      • Communications
    6. Enter at least three (3) learning objectives for the session.
  2. Add Presenters
    1. Enter Bio (150 words)
    2. Include name and contact of any co-presenters
  3. Submit Proposal
    1. Please make sure all sections are complete.
    2. Review for accuracy, make any edits or revisions
    3. Submit for review.