We are continuously looking for subject matter experts from across the United States in all of the disciplines tested by NCCT. We are asking you and other experts in the field to consider several examination development opportunities, including service on the job analysis committee, examination committee, or item writing team. An explanation of the work involved and the time commitment for each role is below. Service is not limited to only one role. All travel expenses are covered by NCCT and we try to provide at least six weeks’ notice before each exam development event.  

If you complete the following questionnaire and send us your resume, you may be recruited for events related to any of the roles listed below. You are free to accept or decline invitations as your schedule allows. Declining an invitation will not impact our decision to invite you to other events.

Job Analysis Committee
The job analysis study will determine the domain of testable content for the examination, as well as the distribution of questions across the content areas. Members of this committee will construct a survey to be sent to over 1000 job practitioners who will be asked to rate the significance of a number of job tasks. The committee will review the results of this survey to determine the final detailed test plan for the examination. There will be two, single-day meetings required.

Examination Committee
The Examination Committee is charged with reviewing and editing each test question and ensuring that the final test form is keyed correctly and contains no questions that “cue” one another. The Examination Committee meets on an as needed basis, usually two or three times a year. These meetings last two days and are held in Kansas City.

Item Writer
At the foundation of any good test is, of course, good test questions. NCCT hopes to recruit and train a core of top notch item writers for the certification examinations and the practice tests. Those who are selected for the Item Writing Team will attend a 3-day item writing workshop in Kansas City. Participants will spend the time in intense training, writing, critique, and group work exercises with the expectation of becoming an expert item writer by the end.