1. Create structures within the environment for personalized learning

20% of survey complete.
Instructions: For each statement below, please indicate how important you feel the statement is (1 is low; 4 is high). And, to what level you believe this is practiced at your school (1 is not at all; 4 is well established).

Question Title

1. Students are provided multiple opportunities to explore a rich variety of topics and interests in order to develop their identity, learn about their strengths, discover and demonstrate their own competence, and plan for their future.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

2. A flexible schedule enables students to engage in a varied learning environment, making time for things like academic interventions, extended projects, hands-on experiences, and inquiry-based learning.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

3. Every student has a mentor, advisor, advocate or other adult he/she trusts and stays in a relationship with throughout the school experience.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

4. All students have a real say, or have legitimate representation, in what happens at school.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

5. Teachers provide the leadership essential to the success of reform, collaborating with others in the educational community to redefine the role of the teacher and to identify sources of support for that redefined role.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

6. Students take an active role in parent-teacher and/or student-led conferences.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

7. Students are provided the opportunity to use many and varied approaches to achieve and demonstrate learning.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

8. Students are encouraged to engage in high-level coursework and provided with meaningful opportunities to do so.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

9. Students are able to learn at their own pace and through extended learning opportunities (learning opportunities that take place outside the classroom and beyond the typical school day).

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

10. Students can earn credit or complete coursework in settings outside the traditional classroom.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

11. Students have opportunities to enroll in career academies based on their personal interests and goals.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

12. To the fullest extent possible, all students, including English language learners, students with disabilities, and gifted and honors students participate in heterogeneous classes with high academic and behavioral expectations.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

13. All students are known well by at least one adult at the school.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

14. Students have a voice in the governance of the school.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

15. Students have a voice in determining what they learn and how they demonstrate their learning.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

16. All students use technology to do research and analyze data, read more than textbooks, and understand how to solve complex problems.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

17. Young children have access to high quality, district provided Pre-K.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

18. School staff members are available to meet with students at varied times to encourage student involvement and connection.

  1 (Low)/(Not at all) 2 3 4 (High)/(Well established)
How important do you believe this statement is?
To what extent is this practiced at your school?

Question Title

19. Is there anything else you would like us to know about creating structures to support personalized learning?