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Please take a moment to complete the following survey regarding the SAN-O workshop, held at Franklin University on June 12, 2015. Your responses will help us to incorporate additional topics and discussion formats into future meetings.

Question Title

* 1. How did you hear about the June 12, 2015 SAN-O workshop? (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Was it easy to register for the SAN-O workshop?

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the Spring 2015 SAN-O workshop sessions in regards to usefulness on a scale of 1-5, with 1=most useful and 5=least useful.

  1 2 3 4 5
State Authorization 101: Joel Tobin and Suzanne Smith, Franklin University
General SAN-O Housekeeping: Danielle Buckius, Franklin University
NASASPS & WCET SAN Meeting Updates: Janet Staderman, University of Cincinnati and Leslie Weibush, Ohio State University
Physical Presence 101: Jason Piatt, Kent State University and Linda Wells-Rider, Ohio State University
SARA/Ohio Board of Regents Update: Matt Exline
Table Talk: Interactive Workgroups
Beyond Spreadsheets: Conceptualizing need, testing and implementing an information management system for state authorization: Jason Piatt, Kent State University 
Campus Compliance Concerns: The Wider View of State Authorization: Joel Tobin, Franklin University
In regards of future meetings, please answer the following questions:

Question Title

* 4. In terms of logistics, do you have any suggestions for future SAN-O workshops? (e.g., later start time, different food, more breaks)

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* 5. What topics would you like to cover at the next workshop?  Are there specific state regulations that you would like the SAN-O group to review more thoroughly?

Question Title

* 6. Any additional feedback?

If you are interested in presenting at future SAN-O workshops, please email: with your name, institution, contact information, and topic idea.