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* 1. Please enter the following:

Distributed Generation, particularly rooftop solar, is accelerating in many states. Please give us your insight on the questions below.

Question Title

* 2. Would you, or someone in your company, be interested in participating in a benchmarking study to assess work flows to track, manage and forecast distributed generation impact? (Participants receive a copy of the report)

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* 3. Distributed generation will have an impact on the grid. For each of the impacts below, can you tell us if this is a high, medium, or low concern for your organization/company?

  High Medium Low
Safety and Security of unfamiliar products on the grid
Meeting regulatory timelines for Enrollment or pre-application approval
Ability to automate and simplify the technical feeder assessment
Having a Rooftop Solar Database (electronically)
Calculating Renewable Energy Credits by having renewable DG (i.e. solar PV) on the distribution network
Forecasting availability of DG at peak periods
Automating the enrollment process

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* 4. When will distributed generation represent more than 2%- 5% of resources on your system?

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* 5. Do you plan on providing distributed generation planning, design, installation, or operation services?

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* 6. Are you providing engineering or design services to owners of micro grid networks?