School Assessment Coordinator Comment Form

For the statements below, please click on the appropriate bubble to indicate your response. If a statement is not applicable, leave the answer field blank. Please provide additional feedback in the comment boxes.

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* School Name (optional):

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* Your Name (optional):

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* 1) The training I received from my district assessment office adequately prepared me to
train test administrators for computer-based and paper-based administrations.

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* 2) I used the School Assessment Coordinator Checklist(s) before, during, and after testing.

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* 3) I encouraged test administrators at my school to use the Test Administrator Checklist(s) before, during, and after testing.

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* 4) Test materials were packaged properly and the contents of boxes were orderly and intact.

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* 5) The training materials and forms found in PearsonAcccess were helpful.

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* 6) The portions of the Spring 2014 RMS Manual describing school assessment coordinator responsibilities pertaining to paper-based testing were thorough.

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* 7) The portions of the Spring 2014 CBT Manual describing school assessment coordinator responsibilities pertaining to computer-based testing were thorough.

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* 8) My school received all necessary materials (e.g., return labels, paper bands, and Document Count Forms) for the return of paper-based materials.

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* 9) My school received all necessary materials for administering tests to students who required special documents.

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* 10) The test administration manual provided clear instructions on the packaging and return of test materials to my district assessment coordinator.

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* 11) My school experienced technical issues during testing.

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* If so, what were they?

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* 12) My school administered practice tests (ePATs) to students.

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* 13) Teachers and students were encouraged to practice with the ePAT on their own.

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* 14) My school was able to complete Proctor Caching easily.

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* 15) Setting up computer-based testing at my school went smoothly.

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* 16) Test administrators contacted me for assistance during testing.

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* 17) Overall, this test administration went smoothly at my school.

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* 18) Pearson Customer Service staff responded to issues in a timely manner.

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* 19) Pearson Customer Service staff were helpful.

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* 20) I received adequate notification that I would be testing special program (e.g., Home Education, McKay Scholarship, Virtual School) students at my school. (If your school did not test special program students, skip to number 22 below.)

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* 21) I had an adequate supply of materials to test special program students.

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* 22) What was the most successful part of this administration?

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* 23) What could be improved for future administrations?

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* 24) Additional Comments:

We appreciate your feedback!

Florida Department of Education
Bureau of K-12 Student Assessment