1. Water Resources Survey

Many communities, public schools, public universities, and county agencies are working hard to protect, clean up and restore our local lakes, rivers and streams. We are interested in knowing the priorities and concerns of local citizens in regards to protection and restoration of our local water resources. By filling out this survey you will be a part of the decisions that will help protect and restore our lakes,rivers and streams. We thank you and appreciate your help by completing this survey.

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* 1. Please tell us your affiliation(s)in the community

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* 2. Please tell us your zip code ( as it applies to the affiliation listed above)

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* 3. Do you live on or within a mile of a lake/stream/river?

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* 4. Based on recent public outreach efforts, the following environmental and recreational issues were identified as the most significant known problems. Please indicate your level of concern for each of these issues:

  Not Concerned Somewhat Concerned Concerned Very Concerned N/A
Sediment accumulation in our rivers, lakes and streams
High Bacteria/Beach Closures
Excessive phosphorus levels causing algae blooms
Too much water in our rivers, lakes and streams causing flooding and bank erosion
Too little water in our rivers, lakes and streams causing restrictions for fishing/canoeing
Contaminated sediment
Loss of wildlife habitat and natural areas
Lack of opportunities for land-based recreation (biking, hiking etc.)
Lack of opportunities for water-based recreation (fishing, paddling etc.)

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* 5. Please indicate below any locations where you are familiar with the environmental issues listed above. Please try to be as specific as possible with addresses or cross-streets, if applicable.

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* 6. In the past two years which of the following have you (and/or someone in your household) done to protect water resources?

  Check all that apply Not Applicable
Installed rain garden
Installed rain barrel
Installed stream bank/lake shore buffers/vegetation
Planted native landscaping
Planted Trees
Swept excess fertilizer off driveway/sidewalk
Swept excess grass clippings off of driveway/sidewalk
Serviced Septic tank every 3-5 yrs
Washed car on grass
Washed car at car wash
Took Household hazardous waste collection to center
Picked up and properly disposed of pet waste(e.g. throw in garbage)

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* 7. What projects or actions would you want to see implemented in your area?

  Check all that apply
Land conservation for public use
land conservation for natural areas
River/lake/ or stream cleanup
Install rain garden
Install rain barrel
Install stream bank/lake shore buffers/ vegetation
Plant native landscaping
Plant Trees
Street sweeping
Duck/goose management
Storm drain marking
Educational stormwater signage
Household hazardous waste collection
Storm drain cleaning
Bike paths/ lanes
Canoe/Boat launch
Fishing docks
Log jam removal
Recreational events focused on water (e.g.Kayaking events, fishing tournaments)
Install pet waste disposal stations in public parks

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* 8. What watershed do you live in?

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* 9. Would you be interested in attending workshops, or volunteering in water quality activities in your area?

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* 10. How much money would you be willing to invest per month through your water or sewer bill to see these projects or actions implemented?