Community Health Element Existing Conditions Report Comment Form

The County of Santa Clara County proudly presents the Public Draft of our first General Plan Health Element. This has been a collaborative effort by the Planning Office, the Public Health Department, Board of Supervisors, and numerous other departments, stakeholders, and residents.

If you would like to provide comments on the Draft Health Element, please provide comments on the narrative text, strategies and policies contained in the introduction and the 8 topical sections. When possible, please refer to the goal or policy number and/or page/ppgh number. We would love to hear your questions, what you like about the Health Element, and/or what you'd like to see changed.

If you would like to learn more about the Santa Clara County General Plan Health Element, please visit our project website.

Thank you for your participation!

Bill Shoe, Principal Planner
Planning Office, County of Santa Clara County
70 W. Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 9110-1705
(408) 299-5749

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Please share your questions and comments related to the INTRODUCTION (INCLUDING GUIDING PRINCIPLES)

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* 3. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION A: HEALTH CONDITIONS, EQUITY AND ACCESS

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* 4. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION B: SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH

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* 5. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION C: LAND USE AND URBAN DESIGN

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* 6. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION D. ACTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION

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* 7. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION E. RECREATION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

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* 8. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION F. HEALTHY EATING, FOOD ACCESS, AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS

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* 9. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION G. AIR QUALITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE

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* 10. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION H. HEALTHY HOUSING

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* 10. Please share your questions and comments related to SECTION I. VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND SAFETY

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* 11. Please provide any general comments or questions about the entire Element's content, format, process, implementation, etc.

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* Click YES if you would like to receive updates on future health element information.

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100% of survey complete.