Broadband Survey for St. Louis Region Businesses & Institutions

We need your input!
Please help us to help the St. Louis region by participating in this online survey.

The City of University City has retained the TOD Broadband Fiber Collaborative LLC (“Broadband Collaborative”) to explore the feasibility of bringing high-speed broadband fiber Internet to Olive Boulevard, a 4-mile commercial corridor between I-170 and Skinker Boulevard. The City would like to determine if high-speed fiber will encourage redevelopment of the four-mile east-west Olive Boulevard corridor, which spans from the City of St. Louis to the City of Olivette and has an average daily traffic of 17,000. High-speed broadband fiber Internet could provide faster Internet services to businesses along the corridor.

The city has asked the "Broadband Collaborative", a Collaborative of 28 organizations and individual professionals, to survey businesses in the region to understand their potential need for high-speed broadband Internet service and how this infrastructure could potentially impact University City and businesses moving to Olive Boulevard and the region. Your feedback is critical. Please respond to this short survey. If you would like more information about this project, email us at with the subject, "Yes keep me informed about high speed broadband fiber on Olive Boulevard and the region."

All survey respondents who provide their email address will be entered into a drawing to win one of two $100 Gift Certificates to the business of their choice in University City.  Please provide your email address so we can contact you if you win.

Thank you in advance.

Definition of Terms:
Mbps: Megabits per Second
Gigabit: Broadband that is 1,000 times faster then Megabit speed

INTRODUCTION: This survey relates to your Internet use at your business or organization, the potential need for high-speed broadband Internet service, and how this infrastructure could potentially impact University City and businesses moving to Olive Boulevard and the region. The purpose of the survey is to determine how you use the Internet, what you currently pay, what you would be willing to subscribe to in the future, and if you would be encouraged to relocate if a better level of Internet service for your business or organization was available on Olive Boulevard.

Responses will be confidential.

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* 1. What type of business or organization do you represent?

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* 2. How critical is Internet service to your business or organization on a a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most critical.

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* 3. For your business, what type of Internet connection(s) do you currently have?  Please check all that apply.

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* 4. Would you be interested in moving your business to Olive Boulevard in University City if there was high-speed Internet there?

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* 5. Would the availability of 500 Mbps be a consideration in a decision to relocate your business to Olive Boulevard?

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* 6. Would the availability of Gigabit service be a consideration in a decision to relocate your business to Olive Boulevard?

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* 7. At what price point would 500 Mbps have an impact on your decision to relocate to Olive Boulevard, if any?

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* 8. At what price point would Gigabit service have an impact on your decision to relocate to Olive Boulevard, if any?

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* 9. What other factors would be a consideration in your decision to relocate to Olive Boulevard? Check all that apply.

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* 10. In what ZIP code is your business currently located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code; for example, 63108)

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* 11. How many employees do you have?

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* 12. How many employees do you expect to have in one to three years?

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* 13. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

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* 14. What would be the time frame if you would be interested in Olive Boulevard?

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* 15. What is your present Internet speed? 
Go to and enter the results:

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* 16. Please provide your contact information.  Please provide your email address to be eligible to win one of two $100 Gift Certificates to a business of your choice in University City.
This is Optional.