100% of survey complete.
This response form must be used to submit your Board's nominee for OAR's REALTOR of the Year.  Please do not submit scrapbooks as they cannot be accepted. Please DO NOT refer to nominee by name and/or gender, please use the terms "Nominee" or "Applicant".  Also avoid mentioning city or county by name. Nominee's recent activity (defined as the first five months of the current year and the twelve months of the immediately preceding year) will be "weighted" by the Selection Committee more heavily than earlier accomplishments on a 70%/30% ratio. Note: Judging for the REALTOR of the Year competition includes only years 2007 thru 2014. Judges will NOT consider activity prior to 2007. A letter of endorsement from the Local Board Executive Officer/Secretary or Board President may accompany this application.  E-mail your accompanying letter to Stacey Dawson at dawson@ohiorealtors.org; a digital photograph of the nominee must be e-mailed to her at the same e-mail address as well; if a digital photo is not available, please mail photo to her attention at, OAR, 200 E. Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215. All photos must be received by the response deadline of June 2, 2014.

Question Title

* 1. Local Board Nominee Information: (This information will not be shared in the judging process)

LOCAL BOARD ACTIVITY (30 points total)

Question Title

* 2. Has the nominee ever held office in the Board since 2007? (Please indicate year(s) by the office that was held)

Question Title

* 3. Has the nominee ever served as a CHAIRMAN or VICE CHAIRMAN on a Local Board committee since 2007? (Please list each committee/year/Chairman or Vice Chairman on a separate line)

Question Title

* 4. Has the nominee served as a MEMBER on a Local Board committee since 2007? (Please list each committee(s) and the year(s) served on a separate line)

Question Title

* 7. Briefly describe the nominee's attendance record prior to the past year.

Question Title

* 8. Has the nominee served in any "Special Assignment" capacity for the Local Board since 2007? (e.g. task forces, ad hoc or blue ribbon committees, Board Representative to government agency, etc.) Briefly describe the "Special Assignment" & note the appropriate year(s):

Question Title

* 9. Has the nominee contributed to RPAC since 2007? (Please list the year(s) in each category if applicable):

Question Title

* 10. Has the nominee served in any capacity for a regional association since 2007? (Briefly describe the activity, committee, or office held and the year(s) served):


Question Title

* 11. Has the nominee ever held a State Association office since 2007? (Please type in year on lines provided)

Question Title

* 12. Has the nominee ever served as CHAIRMAN or VICE CHAIRMAN of an OAR Committee since 2007? (Please list each committee/year/Chair or Vice Chair on a seperate line.)

Question Title

* 13. Has the nominee served as a MEMBER on an OAR committee since 2007? (Please list each committee(s) and the year(s) served on a separate line)

Question Title

* 14. Has the nominee attended any of the OAR Tri-Annual Meetings since 2007? (Please list years)

Question Title

* 15. Has the nominee served in any "Special Assignment" capacity for the State Association since 2007? (e.g. task forces, ad hoc committees, etc.) Briefly describe the "Special Assignment" and list the appropriate year.

Since 2007 has the nominee held any of the following at the National level:

Question Title

* 16. Has the nominee ever served as Chairman on an NAR Committee? (Please list committee(s) and year(s); ex. Public Relations, 2008)

Question Title

* 17. Has the nominee ever serves as Vice Chairman on any Committee? (Please list committee(s) and year(s); ex. Public Relations, 2008)

Question Title

* 18. Has the nominee ever served as a Member on an NAR Committee? (please list committee(s) and year(s); ex. Legislative Committee, 2008)

Question Title

* 19. Has the nominee ever served in any "Special Assignment" capacity for NAR? (Please list committee(s) and year(s); ex. Chaired Task Force for Ethics & Arbitration review, 2008)

Question Title

* 20. Has the nominee ever attended an NAR Meeting or Convention? (Please list meeting(s) and year(s); Convention, 2008; Mid-Year, 2008)

Question Title

* 21. Is the nominee a member of an NAR Institute, Society or Council since 2007? (check all that apply)

CIVIC ACTIVITY (15 points total)

Question Title

* 22. List activities or involvement in civic groups, religious organizations, service clubs, campaigns or political organizations; public offices held; service on local planning, zoning board, etc., since 2007 for nominee's community. (Please list activity and year)


Question Title

* 23. Has the nominee attended any real estate related workshops, special meetings and seminars other than those required by license law from 2007 to 2014? (Please list the Activity and the year)

Question Title

* 24. Has the nominee earned any designations between 2007 and 2014? (Please indicate the year(s) of the designations that were earned during the above time period)

Question Title

* 25. Please describe any other activities not covered in this application which the nominee feels would further demonstrate his or her professionalism and commitment to the real estate industry.

Question Title

* 26. Submitted by:

All Applications must be received by June 2, 2014 to be considered for the State REALTOR of the Year. Remember to e-mail your nominee's photo and/or letter of recommendation (optional) to Stacey Dawson at dawson@ohiorealtors.org. If you do not have a digital photograph please mail to: Ohio Association of REALTORS, Attn: Stacey Dawson, 200 E. Town Street, Columbus, OH 43215.