We are interested in your opinion about attending Susick Elementary. Take a moment to think about your experiences in school this year, then complete the following survey about Susick Elementary School.

Question Title

* 1. I am happy that I attend Susick Elemetary

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate Susick Elementary School?

Question Title

* 3. I feel safe at school.

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* 4. I understand our school rules.

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* 5. The principal is interested in what I'm doing.

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* 6. My teacher is interested in my learning.

Question Title

* 7. My classmates and I get along well.

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* 8. If I have a problem, there are people at school, other than my teachers, who can help me.

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* 9. I feel comfortable sharing my ideas in the classroom.

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* 10. I learn new things each day.

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* 11. My lessons help me think of new ideas and ways to do things.

Question Title

* 12. My teachers help me to understand my lessons.

Question Title

* 13. The following subjects are...

  too hard just right too easy
Social Studies
Computer Lab

Question Title

* 14. I have enough time to eat my lunch.

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* 15. I have enough time to play outside.

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* 16. I prefer to read

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* 17. Mark the reading genre that you like to read the most.

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* 18. The M-STEP Test was:

Question Title

* 19. What is the best part of Susick?

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* 20. If you could change one thing at Susick, what would it be?

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* 21. I am a...

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* 22. I am in ...